Inspired by the sound of recent action blockbusters.
Deeply sampled Tupans in different ensemble sizes (a8, a3, Solo).
深度采样不同整体尺寸的土盘(a8, a3, Solo)。
Featuring consistent extensive articulations across all instruments, three sets of handcrafted Sound Design Percussion and the renowned X3M Percussion Engine.
About Tupans X3M
关于Tupans X3M
One of the most requested instruments is finally released.
Inspired by the aggressive sound of recent Action Blockbusters, Strezov Sampling decided to produce the definitive sample set of Tupans.
A sound which hasn’t been commercially available up until now.
The Tupan is a traditional Bulgarian drum played with a beater and a stick at the same time.
Tupans X3M, recorded in the Sofia Session Studio with different ensemble sizes (a8, a3, Solo), delivers you the articulations to perform traditional Tupan rhythms with instant cinematic sound but also, in addition to that, contains advanced playing styles with brushes, damped beaters, mallets and more.
Tupan X3M,记录在索菲亚会议工作室与不同的合奏大小(a8, a3,独奏),为您提供的清晰度来执行传统的Tupan节奏与即时电影的声音,但也,除此之外,包含先进的演奏风格与刷子,阻尼打击器,木槌和更多。
But Tupans X3M is not just all about organic and realistic sounding Tupans.
但Tupans X3M不仅仅是有机的和真实的听起来的tupan。
In fact it’s way more than that, since it also includes a handcrafted selection of three different Sound Design Percussion sets ranging from Epic Ensembles, Thunderous Impacts and neutral sounding percussive sound effects suitable for any style of music.
These sounds were created from the sample material of Tupans X3M and our flagship percussion suite Thunder X3M, resulting in a broad sound spectrum suitable for any project in need of new fresh sound colours.
这些声音是由Tupans X3M和我们的旗舰打击乐套件Thunder X3M的样品材料创建的,从而产生广泛的声音频谱,适合任何需要新的新鲜声音颜色的项目。
The X3M Percussion Engine
The concept behind the this engine is fairly simple – the keyboard range is divided into 12 zones that you are able to assign different sounds to.
After making the template of your choosing just plug in and play – nothing else needed!
In addition to that the engine also allows you to tweak individual zones, as well as the whole mapped ensemble patch with various effects and mic positions.
Combining these with the natural and organic recordings you have maximum flexibility when it comes to sound.
Once you load up the X3M Ensemble Builder you automatically load all samples inside the “Samples” directory.
一旦加载了X3M Ensemble Builder,就会自动加载“samples”目录中的所有示例。
However, the instrument is built in such a way that it actually keeps all samples purged, unless you load them up into a zone.
This means that not only you have a single patch with all types of percussion you might need, but it is also optimized and doesn’t hurt your RAM ressources in any way!