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Micro Digital Reverberator(MDR)将强大的混响和延迟效果与超级友好的用户界面和控制结合在一起。只需将其插入效果链,选择一个预设,即可轻松上手。无论是鼓、人声、合成器还是吉他,这款小插件都能轻松应对。

我们的 MDR 拥有上世纪 80 年代末进入项目录音室的第一代预算混响器的声音。这些设备在几年内迅速普及,成为主流录音室的常见工具,出现在许多你喜爱的唱片中。

别让简单的界面欺骗你:它的音质出色,提供紧凑的小房间混响、巨大的板式和大厅混响、门限混响、反向混响以及一些只有 MDR 才有的独特效果。


  • 不需要安装 iLok 驱动即可运行。
  • 我们的版本加载更快,占用的内存比正版版本更少。

The Micro Digital Reverberator combines killer reverb and delay effects with a super friendly user interface and controls. Pop it on an insert, pick a preset, and go. Drums? Vocals? Synths? Guitars? This little plugin has you covered.

Our MDR has the sounds of the first generations of budget reverbs that took over project studios in the late 1980s. In a few years, these units were commonplace in major recording studios and all over many of your favorite records.

Don’t let the simple interface fool you: this thing sounds amazing, with tight small rooms, huge plates and halls, gates and reverse reverbs, and some effects that can only be found on the MDR.

A witch says,

* No iLok Driver installation isrequired to run.

* Our release loads faster and uses less memory than legit version.

