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放大乐器处理器 (Amplified Instrument Processor) 是一整套工具,旨在帮助你打造终极的吉他、贝斯或键盘音色。但 AIP 不仅仅局限于此。
它的强大功能和多样性让它成为几乎任何音频任务的出色处理器。AIP 在人声、原声乐器、钢琴、群组总线,甚至整个混音中都能产生神奇效果。

参数均衡 (Parametric Equalization)

AIP 拥有 4 段全参数均衡,基于 1950 年代德国 Klangfilm 电子管均衡器设计。这款 EQ 结合了数字的精准性与模拟设备的独特性与不可预测性。

  • 使用增益缩放实现高达 36dB 的提升和衰减。
  • 独立切换的高通和低通滤波器。
  • 可切换的响应类型:现代主动式或复古被动式均衡曲线。
  • 电路老化建模:通过模拟老化元件的失真调节模拟异常。
  • 通道偏差:16 种不同的通道变化模拟复古手工设备的轻微瑕疵。

专有信号处理 (Proprietary Signal Processing)

这是 AIP 的“秘密魔法酱”。无需额外的前置放大器插件,通过切换不同的响应建模和调整斜率速度模拟,改变 AIP 的特性。

  • 电子管响应建模 提供温暖、圆润的音色,适合贝斯和男声。
  • 磁带响应建模 为你的信号增加低频冲击力和高频闪耀,非常适合重型电吉他、底鼓和军鼓。
  • 固态响应建模 模拟 70 年代 API、Quad Eight、Electrodyne 和 Flickenger 制作的控制台的中频前置声音,能让声音更加突出。

VCA 压缩器 (VCA Compressor)

AIP 的 VCA 压缩器仿真基于经典的 dbx 202 VCA 集成电路。这款压缩器不仅适合吉他,还足够平滑和富有音乐性,适合用于人声。

  • 完全控制所有参数:阈值、比率、攻击、释放和补偿增益。
  • 信号路径中的可切换位置——可在均衡前或后放置。
  • 可调节的零点控制——当压缩器强烈作用时,控制颜色和失真的量。

频率依赖性增益衰减 (Frequency-Dependent Gain Reduction)

AIP 还内置另一个压缩器,专为处理低于 600Hz 的频率范围设计。它可以清理低频吉他声的杂音、控制共振的低音音符、消除人声的胸腔共鸣,或者去除底鼓中的混响。

难以忍受的中频滤波器 (Insufferable Midrange Filter)

叠录和双重录音会导致存在频段的积累。这个专用的凹陷滤波器可以消除令人烦恼的 2kHz 电吉他“啸叫”、人声嘶声、过多的镲片声以及原声乐器中的指尖噪音或拨片噪音。

立体声拓宽 (Stereo Widening)

与许多立体声拓宽处理器不同,AIP 的立体声拓宽算法可以让声音在声场中扩散,而不会牺牲中心的稳定性。它能将混响和氛围包裹在听众周围,增强键盘合成垫的移动和扩展感,并让双吉他声部位于舞台的两侧。

实时分析仪 (Real Time Analyzer)

AIP 的 RTA 显示信号的频率响应,并将所有 EQ 曲线和频率依赖性增益衰减设置叠加在一起,方便快速、直观地进行微调。

The Amplified Instrument Processor is a complete suite of tools designed to help you sculpt the ultimate guitar, bass, or keyboard tone. But the AIP is much more than that.

Its power and versatility make it an excellent processor for virtually any audio task. The AIP can work wonders on vocals, acoustic instruments, pianos, group buses, and even across the whole mix.

Parametric Equalization

The AIP has 4 bands of fully parametric EQ based on German Klangfilm tube equalizers of the 1950s. This EQ combines digital precision and flexibility with analog quirkiness and unpredictability.

Up to 36dB of boost and cut using gain scaling.

Independently switchable high-pass and low-pass filtering.

Switchable response: modern active or vintage passive EQ curve types.

Circuit age modeling: dial-in analog anomalies to simulate aging components.

Channel Variance: 16 different channel variations model the slight imperfections of vintage handmade equipment.

Proprietary Signal Processing

This is the Secret Mojo Sauce of the AIP. Forget about swapping in preamp plugins. Change characteristics of the AIP by switching between different response modeling and adjusting a slew rate emulation.

Tube response modeling provides a warm, round tone that’s perfect for bass and male voices.

Tape response modeling gives your signal low-end push and high-end sparkle. Great for heavy electric guitars, kicks and snares.

Solid State response modeling emulates the midrange forward sound of 70’s consoles like those made by API, Quad Eight, Electrodyne and Flickenger. Great for making things in your face.

VCA Compressor

The AIP’s VCA Compressor emulation is based on the classic dbx 202 VCA integrated circuit. This compressor is great for guitars but smooth and musical enough to work with vocals.

Full control of all parameters: threshold, ratio, attack, release, and makeup gain.

Switchable position in the signal path – place it pre or post EQ.

Adjustable nulling – control the amount of color and crunch when the compressor is hit hard.

Frequency-Dependent Gain Reduction

The AIP has yet another compressor on it; this one designed to work on selected ranges of frequencies below 600Hz. Clean up the bottom end of chugging guitars, tame resonant bass notes, knock out chestiness on vocals, or take the ring out of a kick drum.

Insufferable Midrange Filter

Overdubs and doubling can lead to a nasty build-up in the presence range. This specialized notch filter takes care of the annoying 2kHz “whistle” of electric guitars, vocal sibilance, excessive cymbal hash, and finger squeaks or pick noise from acoustic instruments.

Stereo Widening

Unlike many stereo widening processors, the AIP’s stereo widening algorithm lets you spread things out across the sound stage without sacrificing the solidity of the center. Wrap reverb and ambience around listeners, enhance the movement and sweep of keyboard pads, and put those dual guitar parts at opposite sides of the stage, and then some.

Real Time Analyzer

The AIP’s RTA shows you the frequency response of your signal, and super-imposes all of your EQ curves and Frequency-Dependent Gain Reduction settings for fast, intuitive fine-tuning.

