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DRUMLAB 是一种开创性的乐器,将原声鼓的有机、表现力声音与电子边缘的力量和冲击结合在一起。它是顶级专业人士的秘密武器,配备超直观界面,让混音准备好的鼓设计既快速又有趣。

创造成千上万种新的鼓组合,带上你个人的标志,打出终极冲击力。进入实验室,开始尝试——DRUMLAB 保证每次都能得到一个成功的配方。

DRUMLAB 的基础声音建立在全新的高级鼓样本集上。38种独立的鼓由顶级鼓手 Derico Watson 完美调音并演奏。

所有鼓声均在三个不同的房间内录制,以确保最大的音效多样性。高端的现代和复古设备捕捉了每个演奏的细微差别,并通过模拟磁带录制。格莱美奖获奖制作人 Kenny Barto 被邀请来为这些声音进行专业的打磨。

DRUMLAB 的魔力关键在于一种高级分层技术,这种技术由顶级制作人使用,可以在混音中为鼓声增添最大重量和冲击力。来自经典和现代鼓机的80个电子层次经过精心匹配、相位对齐、渐变和调音,与原声样本完美结合。


DRUMLAB 的控制和效果将热度提升到一个新的高度,使专业表现与超直观的工作流程相结合。优雅的主屏幕将所有必要的控制都集中在一起,实现超快速的鼓声选择和混合。独特的效果链包括优化的鼓压缩器、瞬态控制器、固态均衡器、固态总线压缩器和卷积混响——所有这些都配有简单的控制,便于快速调整。

DRUMLAB 还与 MASCHINE 完美集成,是终极混合鼓节奏制作的利器。

如果没有紧凑、专业的表现,如何实现开创性的鼓声?DRUMLAB 不会让你失望。超过900个鼓点和填充音,涵盖各种风格和流派——所有这些都是专门为 DRUMLAB 现场录制的——提供你所需的一切,即时获得专业音质。DRUMLAB 提供了一个可视化的节奏显示,让你准确看到鼓点的对齐位置——眼见为实。


版本 1.2.1(2025-01-08)

修复 – 两个音符在同一 MIDI 时间点播放时的力度问题

新增 – Studio Drummer 映射预设,兼容来自 Studio Drummer 和其他 Abbey Road 系列的 MIDI 文件

DRUMLAB is the first-of-its-kind instrument combining the organic, expressive sound of acoustic drums with the power and punch of an electronic edge. The secret weapon of top professionals in a super-intuitive interface that makes mix-ready drum design fast and fun.

Create thousands of new drum combinations that bear your signature stamp and kick with ultimate impact. Get into the lab and start experimenting – DRUMLAB guarantees a winning formula every time.

DRUMLAB’s fundamental sound is built on an all-new set of premium drum samples. 38 individual drums were perfectly tuned and performed by top-tier drummer, Derico Watson.

All drums were recorded in three different rooms to ensure maximum sonic versatility. High-end modern and vintage gear captured every nuance of the performances on analog tape. Grammy-winning producer Kenny Barto was then brought in to polish the sounds to a professional shine.

The key to DRUMLAB’s alchemy is an advanced layering technique used by top hitmakers to give drums maximum weight and punch in a mix. 80 electronic layers from a range of classic and modern drum machines were expertly matched, phase aligned, faded, and pitched with the acoustic samples.

Choose your own combination of each element, then dial in the perfect blend with a convenient slider on the front panel. The finished sound is mixdown-ready and always uniquely yours.

DRUMLAB’s controls and effects turn up the heat to bond pro performance with an ultra-intuitive workflow. An elegant main screen puts every essential control in one place for ultra-fast drum selection and blending. A unique effects chain features an optimized drum compressor, TRANSIENT MASTER, SOLID EQ, and SOLID BUS COMP, plus convolution reverb – all with simple controls for quick adjustments.

DRUMLAB also integrates perfectly with MASCHINE for the ultimate in hybrid drum groove production.

Groundbreaking drum sound without a tight, pro performance? Not with DRUMLAB. Over 900 drum patterns and fills in a wide range of genres and styles – all recorded live especially for DRUMLAB – deliver everything you need for instant pro sound. DRUMLAB gives you a visual groove display so you know exactly where drum hits line up – seeing is believing.

Find the beat that suits the track you’re working on, choose fills and variations to match, then drag and drop into your host sequencer. And if you’re a drummer, just hook up your e-drums and you’re ready to go.

Version 1.2.1 2025-01-08

FIXED – Velocity bug when two notes played at the exact same MIDI tick

ADDED – Studio Drummer mapping preset for compatibility with MIDI files from Studio Drummer and other Abbey Road Series

