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由日本顶级录音师 Mitsunori Aizawa 在传奇的 Sound City Studio 录制和混音的首批原声鼓套件(和套件合奏)。这些独特而多变的鼓声由鼓乐大师 Ken Higeshiro 演奏,可在无数动漫片头、战斗主题、爵士乐融合曲目以及其他所有曲目中听到。有了 Tokyo Scoring Drum Kits,你终于可以在自己的音乐中加入这种无与伦比的打击乐能量–它的冲击力和灵活性足以让它成为你在其他场合的首选鼓库!

由顶级录音鼓手 Ken Higeshiro 制作和演奏的定制套件,并由传奇工程师 Mitsunori Aizawa 录音。

三个独立的样本集 相泽签名混音(12 个可调麦克风通道,带出血)、完整混音(16 个可调通道,带出血)和板式混音(12 个通道,无出血)



每个鼓最多 10 倍动态水平和 10 倍循环。包含超过 170,000 个采样。

每个附带的 10 个补丁都有至少 3 个快照,并针对多种风格精心调整了混音和特效。


可对每个话筒通道进行单独混音,并提供独立输出。每个通道最多 8 种效果,加上主输出和发送,以及 30 多种可用的 FX 模块(模拟均衡器、压缩器、磁带等)。


为任何 MIDI 音符分配鼓声和衔接,并可按键调整音量和调音。提供常用的鼓声映射预设。

Lookahead 通过超逼真的预滚动和鼓点攻击提供最佳品质。标准模式在预滚动和急促之间取得平衡。零延迟模式可立即做出反应。

调整循环类型、速度曲线、速度 -> 音量、采样偏移和 AHD 包络线。

~ 75GB 磁盘空间

建议使用 7200 RPM 硬盘或固态硬盘。注意麦克风位置可单独移动或删除。

~ 最低 8GB 内存


~ Kontakt Player 6.7

该库可在免费的 Kontakt 播放器中运行。

~ Kontakt 要求 – Mac OS

英特尔 Mac(i5 或更高):macOS 10.14、10.15、11 或 12(最新更新)。

苹果硅Mac电脑(通过Rosetta 2和原生ARM独立版或支持它的主机):macOS 11或12(最新更新)

~ Kontakt 要求 – Windows

Windows 7、Windows 8 或 Windows 10(最新 Service Pack,32/64 位)。英特尔酷睿 i5 或同等 CPU。图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本。强烈建议使用 Windows 10。

版本 1.2.1


1.2.0 版

– 添加了通过 CC 输入关闭高音琶音的选项,而无需手动播放新音符 添加了将高音琶音 CC 门限设置为-1 的功能,以表示 “不通过 CC 播放此高音琶音”。

– 增加了将高音笛 CC 门限设置为任意顺序的功能

– 修正了在加载旧快照时可能导致某些衔铁未映射的错误 – 修正了在 Kontakt 7 中出现的脚本警告

– 修正了用户界面的一些小错误

版本 1.1.1a

意外开启的开发者模式已禁用。再次道歉 抱歉!

版本 1.1.1


版本 1.1.0a


版本 1.1.0

现在可通过 NKS 控制副混音器和信号清除;浏览器现在可显示哪些衔接属于活动套件;全混音器 NKI 的 “无出血 ”变体更轻;

前视延迟现在仅在 DAW 传输激活时才会激活;


高音开度现在可以通过 MIDI CC 或触后,并使用新的 CC Artic Control 衔接来控制;


工厂 MIDI 映射现在可从映射选项菜单直接加载

版本 1.0.3


版本 1.0.2


版本 1.0.0



The premier collection of acoustic drum kits (and kit ensemble), recorded and mixed by Japan’s top recording engineer Mitsunori Aizawa at the legendary Sound City Studio. Performed by drum master Ken Higeshiro, these unique and versatile drum sounds can be heard across countless anime openings, battle themes, jazz fusion tracks, and everything in between. With Tokyo Scoring Drum Kits, you can finally add this unmistakable percussive energy to your own music – and it’s punchy and flexible enough to become your drum library of choice in other contexts as well!

CONTENT~Five acoustic drum kits and one ensemble

Custom kits assembled and performed by top session drummer Ken Higeshiro, recorded by legendary engineer Mitsunori Aizawa.

~Three unique sample sets

Separate patches featuring: Aizawa Signature mix (12 adjustable mic channels with bleeds), Full mix (16 adjustable channels with bleeds), and Board mix (12 channels, no bleeds)

~Powerful drum kit ensemble

Three drum kits played simultaneously: includes kick, snare, three toms (hand, stick, and rimshot), hihat, two crashes, and ride.

~Extensive articulations and techniques

Up to: five snare articulations (center rim, center, flam, rimshot, roll), seven hihat articulations (pedal, closed, closed tip, half open, semi-open, open, open tip), and four ride articulations (tip soft, tip hard, cup, smash)

~Exhaustive sampling depth

Up to 10x dynamic levels and 10x round robins per drum. Over 170,000 samples included.

~Dozens of snapshots

Each of the 10 included patches has at least 3 snapshots with carefully-adjusted mixes and FX for many styles.

FEATURES~Beautiful and elegant UI

Easily swap kit pieces, volume, tuning, and submixes from the main page, with more advanced features a click away.

~Powerful console mixer and FX rack

Mix every mic channel individually with separate outputs available. Up to 8 effects per channel, plus master & sends, with over 30 FX modules available (analog EQs, compressors, tape and more.)

~Submixer and bleeds

Control how much of each kit piece type (kick, snare, toms, cymbals) goes into every mic channel, including bleed mics (such as kick into snare mic, snare into tom mics, etc.)

~Completely customizable mapping

Assign drums and articulations to any MIDI note, with per-key volume & tuning adjustments. Common drum mapping presets available.

~Three playback modes

Lookahead offers best quality with super-realistic preroll and drum attacks. Standard is a balance between preroll and snappiness. Zero Latency reacts instantly.

~Extra tweaking options for power users

Adjust round robin type, velocity curve, vel -> volume amount, sample offsets, and AHD envelopes.


~ 75GB disk space

7200 RPM hard drive or solid state drive recommended. Note that mic positions can be moved or deleted individually.

~ 8GB of RAM minimum

More RAM will allow you to load more patches, mixes, mic channels, and bleeds simultaneously.

~ Kontakt Player 6.7

This library will run in the FREE Kontakt Player.

~ Kontakt Requirements – Mac OS

Intel Macs (i5 or higher): macOS 10.14, 10.15, 11 or 12 (latest update).

Apple Silicon Macs (via Rosetta 2 & natively on ARM in Standalone or in hosts that support it): macOS 11 or 12 (latest update)

~ Kontakt Requirements – Windows

Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit). Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU. Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher. Windows 10 strongly recommended.

Version 1.2.1

Fixed another mapping bug relating to loading old snapshots

Version 1.2.0

– Added option to close hihats via CC input without manually playing a new note Added ability to set hihat artic CC thresholds to -1 for “don’t play this artic via CC”

– Added ability to set hihat CC thresholds to an arbitrary order

– Fixed bug that could cause certain artics to become unmapped when loading older snapshots – Fixed script warnings that appeared in Kontakt 7

– Fixed some minor UI bugs

Version 1.1.1a

Disabled developer mode accidentally left on. Again. Apologies!

Version 1.1.1

Fix loading of custom user mappings

Version 1.1.0a

Disabled developer mode accidentally left on

Version 1.1.0

Submixers and signal purging are now controllable via NKS; Browser now shows which articulations belong to active kitpieces; Lighter “No Bleed” variants of Full Mixer NKIs;

Lookahead delay is now only active when DAW transport is active;

Hi-hats and rides now have a separate submix for more control;

Hi-hat openness can now be controlled via MIDI CC or aftertouch and using the new CC Artic Control articulation;

Articulations not available for a given kitpiece are now replaced with the closest available substitutes;

Factory MIDI mappings are now directly loadable from the mapping options menu

Version 1.0.3

Fixes some visual bugs and sound-affecting snapshot load issues

Version 1.0.2

Launch Patch

Version 1.0.0

Release version

