Basement Freaks do it again!
This time its time to get FUNKY!
Synth Funk has any and all funk keys and synths that you’d need for your next funkin’ production.
Synth Funk有任何和所有的Funk键和合成器,你需要为你的下一个funkin’生产。
But thats not all!
Inside is also blazing Brass sounds, Music Loops, bendy Bass loops, and vocoded and lead Vocals!
The 70s and 80s are back with a new and improved sound, and Funky Synth will impact your latest production with all the elements your heart desires!
70年代和80年代带着新的和改进的声音回来了,Funky Synth将用你内心渴望的所有元素影响你的最新作品!
Influenced by the Nu Jazz, Electro Funk and Synth Pop scenes;
受Nu Jazz, Electro Funk和Synth Pop的影响;
you can make any song come to live and dab with disco bringing energy and excitement to the party!
Along with all the chunky funky grooving beat loops, there are loads of 80s funky leads fueling your song with some extra special improve feels.
With Jazz Chords included, this pack takes you from even another angle, giving you some different ideas or inspiration that isn’t always found in todays packs!
– So grab Synth Funk today, and get ya booty on the dance floor!
-所以今天抓住Synth Funk,在舞池里得到你的战利品!
Product Specifications
Format: (.WAVs) & (.MIDIs)
格式:(.WAVs) & (.MIDIs)
017 x Bass
017 x低音
016 x Beat Loops
016 x节拍循环
002 x Brass
002 x黄铜
033 x Keys
033 x按键
014 x Lead Synths
014 x铅合成人
008 x Music Loops
008 x音乐循环
022 x Synths
022 x合成人
006 x Vocals
006 x人声
022 x (.MIDIs) Files
022 x (.MIDIs)文件
118 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops) Files
118 x个人(.WAVs) (.Loops)文件
022 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files
022 x个人(.MIDIs)文件
142 x Files In Total
Key And Tempo-Labelled
44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
Compatible With All DAWs
PC & Mac Compatible
PC & Mac兼容