Transport yourself to a spaceship a million light years away;

march into battle with a hundred-thousand bloodthirsty orcs;

fly through the clouds in a state of eternal blissful.

These are just some of the moods captured by the mighty OB-6 Bass Soundscapes sample-pack, produced by Diamaudix Audio.
这些只是由Diamaudix Audio制作的强大的OB-6 Bass soundscape样本包捕捉到的一些情绪。

A soundtrack composers dream, this pack boasts an impressive 3+ hours of evolving analog soundscapes, utilizing the full power of the modern-day-classic OB-6 Analog synthesizer.

“Forgotten Nebula”, “Insectoid Invasion”, and “Dimensional Transformation” are some of the names given to the individual sounds, each labelled with key information.

Pristine analog signal flow is used in the recording to ensure the highest quality audio, recorded and treated at 4X sample rate (176.4 kHz), before conversion to the final 44.1 kHz product.
在录音中使用原始模拟信号流,以确保最高质量的音频,在转换为最终的44.1 kHz产品之前,以4倍采样率(176.4 kHz)录制和处理。

Whether you’re a composer for games or films, an artist looking to add some memorable atmospheres to your techno track or dubstep breakdown, or just an enthusiast of never-been-heard sounds – OB6 Bass Atmospheres is not to be missed!
无论你是游戏或电影的作曲家,一个艺术家希望添加一些令人难忘的氛围到你的电子音乐轨道或dubstep分解,或只是一个从未听过的声音的爱好者- OB6 Bass atmospheres是不容错过的!

► Product Specifications:

384 x Long-Evolving, Analog, Bass Atmospheres (3+ Hours Of Audio)
384 x长进化,模拟,低音氛围(3小时以上的音频)


Compatible With All DAWs

