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木管乐器常常被现代媒体作曲家所忽视,它们是您的秘密武器,能为您的作品增添真正的力量。喷火战斗机音频公司利用其十年来制作木管乐器的经验,花了五年时间在世界上最受欢迎的地点之一录制了最好的木管乐器: 伦敦 Air Studios 音乐厅录制了这套管弦乐木管乐器的权威汇编。

经过十年的详尽采样,以及四年时间对最优秀木管乐器演奏者的捕捉,喷火战斗机自豪地推出了《交响木管》。它是在伦敦 Air Studios 录制和 “深度采样 “的管弦乐木管乐器的权威合集。它具有多重动态、揉弦控制、大量的循环以及各种传统和更深奥的发音(单簧管飘舌?) SSW 不仅拥有常见的音色,我们的深度采样还扩展到了木管合唱、中音和低音长笛、低音单簧管等较少使用的领域!

喷火交响木管乐器》最初作为 BML(英国模块库)项目的一部分以模块形式发布,是对这些众多深度采样组件的合理化,并进行了许多改进,包括大量新的发音(总计增加了 30% 的内容)。我们为我们认为是当今最优秀的管弦乐木管乐器库创建了一个更经济实惠的入门版本。

► 为了证明这些说法的正确性,我们列举了一小部分促成因素:
– 英国的木管演奏家可以说是世界上最好的

– 喷火 “挑选了最好中的最好

– 在 Air Studios 通过无与伦比的信号路径录制成磁带

– 我们从未见过的最深层次的衔接、动态层、循环的木管乐器采样集

– 由屡获殊荣的作曲家、制作人和工程师团队制作

– 基于十年的获奖采样经验和四分之一世纪的作曲家工作经验,以直观的界面呈现

演奏风格从抒情的双簧管独奏到雷鸣般的低音管演奏,都能在 Air Studios 的大厅中发出声音。无论您是有抱负的约翰-威廉姆斯(John Williams)还是亚历山大-德斯普拉特(Alexandre Desplat),我们相信这本管乐作品集都会让您在未来的许多年里忙得不亦乐乎。


对于较为传统和 “流行的乐器”(如双簧管、C 调长笛、单簧管和巴松管),这些优秀的演奏家已录制了独奏,其中两支是齐奏。他们完全就地就坐,因此将 a2 乐段与独奏乐段结合在一起,形成一个稍大的部分,同时保持了音乐的完整性。

但是,伦敦音乐界的精神和多样性也孕育了多种多样的技能,并拓宽了我们的调色板,超越了标准的交响木管霸权。因此,在 SSW 中还可以找到低音和低音单簧管、中音和低音长笛等丰富多彩的调色板,让您的作品更加丰富多彩,体现出泰晤士河畔和泥滩附近的多元时代精神!

– 涵盖独奏和 a2 段的宽广频段。将两者结合起来,还能创建 a3 乐段

– 从传统的短笛、长笛、双簧管、单簧管和巴松管到现代的 “时代 “乐器,包括中音长笛、低音长笛、低音单簧管、低音单簧管和雷鸣般的低音巴松管。

– 超深度采样、多种发音、动态层和循环播放

– 当今最全面的发音选择和附加技巧

– 入门级核心包具有 BML 产品的全部功能

– 核心软件包包含 3 个不同的麦克风位置:C(lose)、T(ree)、A(mbient)。

– 新的附加包即将推出,提供更多话筒和混音效果

– 除 BML 中的所有衔接外,还有新的 “第 2 卷 “衔接

– 支持 NKS

– 全新、更直观的界面设计

– 新的合理化文件架构将使未来的改进和增强成为可能

– 许多调整和性能/音乐改进

Often neglected by modern media composers, the Woods are your secret weapon to add real power to your productions. Spitfire Audio has taken its decade of experience making woodwind instruments and has spent the last five years recording the best of the best at one of the most sought-after locations in the world: The Hall at Air Studios, London for this, a definitive compendium of orchestral woodwinds.

After a decade of exhaustive sampling, and four years spent capturing our finest woodwind players, Spitfire are proud to present Symphonic Woodwinds. It is a definitive collection of orchestral woods recorded and ‘deep sampled’ at Air Studios, London. Featuring multiple dynamics, vibrato control, numerous round robins and a variety of traditional and more esoteric articulations (clarinet flutter tongue? tick!). Not only does SSW feature the usual suspects, our deep sampling has been extended through the extraordinary lesser used areas of the wood choir, alto and bass flutes, contrabass clarinets to name but three!

Originally released in modules as part of the BML (British Modular Library) project, Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds is a rationalisation of these numerous, deep sampled components, along with many improvements, including a host of new articulations (totalling an additional 30% of content). We’ve created a more affordable entry into what we believe to be the finest orchestral woodwinds library available today.

► To justify these claims we cite this small list of contributing factors:

• British woodwind players are arguably the best in the world

• Spitfire has cherry picked the best of the best

• Recorded to tape at Air Studios via an unparalleled signal path

• Deepest articulation, dynamic layer, round robin set of woodwind samples we’ve yet to see

• Produced by an award winning team of composers, producers & engineers

• Presented in an intuitive interface based on a decade of award-winning sampling experience and a quarter century as working composers

With playing styles from lyrical solo oboe to thunderous contrabassoon making noises that you get in a room like The Hall at Air Studios. Whether you’re an aspiring John Williams or Alexandre Desplat, we’re sure this compendium of wind will keep you busy for many happy years to come.

London woodwind players are considered amongst the best in the world. Where film music sessions are concerned it could be argued that you wouldn’t want to go anywhere else. Woodwinds are commonly under-represented in modern orchestral scoring, and yet are an essential part of your orchestral palette. They can add genuine power to your productions.

For the more traditional and ‘popular instruments’ (say oboes, C flutes, clarinets, and bassoons) these fine players have been recorded solo, and two are recorded in unison. They are seated exactly in situ so combine the a2 patches with the solo ones for a slightly larger section whilst maintaining spectral integrity.

But it is also the spirit and diversity of our music scene in London that breeds a diversity of skill sets and broadens our palette beyond the standard symphonic woodwind hegemony. So also to be found within SSW is a colourful palette of bass and contrabass clarinets, alto and bass flutes to enrich your compositions with the diverse zeitgeist being created near the shores and mud-banks of the Thames!


• A broad band covering both solo, and a2 sections. Combine both and create your a3 sections

• Traditional piccolos, flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons across to modern ‘zeitgeist’ selection of instruments from alto, bass flutes, bass clarinets, contrabass clarinets and a thunderous contrabassoon

• Super deep sampled, many articulations, dynamic layers and round robins

• Most comprehensive selection of articulations, and additional techniques available today

• Entry level core pack has full functionality of BML offering

• Core pack shipped with 3 distinct mic positions C(lose), T(ree), A(mbient)

• New add on pack coming soon with additional mics and mixes


• In addition to all articulations in BML, new ‘Volume 2’ articulations

• NKS ready

• New, more intuitive interface design

• New rationalised file architecture will allow for improvements and enhancements in the future

• Many tweaks, and performance / musical improvements

