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Electronic EZX 电子鼓音色库呈现了一系列令人叹为观止的经典、线路改装和重采样电子鼓音色。它包含多达33套精心制作的预设鼓组,以及大量可选的军鼓和底鼓,旨在满足各种音乐风格和制作需求。

无论您是想为嘻哈、浩室、泥巴、还是电子步调制作节拍,首席音效设计师 Richard Devine 这位屡获殊荣的现代电子音乐先锋,成功地将声音挤压、塑形和弯曲到极致,同时录制了经典音色,创造出了这套最热门的电子鼓音色合集。


  • 大量经典、线路改装和重采样的电子鼓音色
  • 由 Brad Bowden 和 Richard Devine 在田纳西州纳什维尔和佐治亚州亚特兰大录制、编辑和制作
  • 33套预设鼓组
  • 大量可选的军鼓和底鼓
  • 内含定制的MIDI库


  • 1.2 GB 的可用硬盘空间,1 GB 内存
  • 需要安装EZdrummer 1.4(或更高版本)或Superior Drummer 2.3(或更高版本)

The Electronic EZX presents a mind-blowing collection of classic, circuit bent and resampled electronic drum sounds. It includes as much as 33 carefully crafted preset kits as well as a large selection of optional snares and kicks, all designed to cater to a broad range of genres and production styles.

No matter if you are looking to make beats for hip-hop, house, grime or dub step, lead sound designer Richard Devine, an award-winning artist and pioneer in modern electronic music, has managed to squeeze, shape and bend sounds in and out of proportion as well as record pristine takes on classics to create the hottest collection of electronic drums imaginable.


A large collection of classic, circuit bent and resampled electronic drum sounds

Engineered, recorded and edited by Brad Bowden and Richard Devine in Nashville, TN and Atlanta, GA.

33 preset kits

A large selection of optional snares and kicks

Custom MIDI library included


1.2 GB of free hard disk space, 1 GB RAM.

A working EZdrummer 1.4 (or above) or a Superior Drummer 2.3 (or above) installation.

