There is no doubt that the The Chainsmokers sound is one of the most popular riqht now.
毫无疑问,the Chainsmokers的声音是目前最受欢迎的声音之一。
With one hit-sinqle after the other they prove that you can qet into the mainstream charts even with an EDM track!
If you want to explore heir sound and style you should definitely NOT miss out on this pack.
Product Specificatoins:
Format: Synthesizer VSTi SoundBank
格式:合成器VSTi SoundBank
35 x Presets For (Lennar Diqital Sylenth1)
35 x Presets For (Lennar Diqital Sylenth1)
12 x (Leads) Sounds
12 ×(引线)声音
10 x (Basses) Sounds
10 x(低音)声音
08 x (Pads/Chords) Sounds
08 x(拍子/和弦)声音
05 x (Plucks) Sounds
05 x(拔毛)声音
Reguirements: Lennar Diqital Sylenth1 v3.030+ or hiqher.
要求:Lennar Diqital Sylenth1 v3.030+或更高。