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Drums recorded by the man who helped shape the sound of alternative rock: Steve Albini.
由帮助塑造另类摇滚声音的史蒂夫·阿尔比尼(Steve Albini)录制的鼓点。

Steve Albini’s imprint on the sound of rock is undeniable.

Having worked on seminal albums by the Pixies, PJ Harvey and, perhaps most notably, Nirvana’s milestone record “In Utero,” his sonic DNA is in the fabric of productions that have helped create a new branch in rock history.
他参与过Pixies乐队、PJ哈维(PJ Harvey)的开创性专辑,或许最引人注目的是涅槃乐队里程碑式的专辑《In Utero》(在子宫里),他的声音DNA已经融入到那些帮助在摇滚史上创造了一个新分支的作品中。

This collection of drums captures the incomparable sonic fingerprint of not only Steve Albini but also the ambience of his very own studio, which he personally built and designed.
这组鼓不仅捕捉到了Steve Albini无与伦比的声音指纹,而且还捕捉到了他自己工作室的氛围,这是他亲自建造和设计的。

Welcome to Electrical Audio in Chicago, IL, and a truly unique collection of drums.

The Alt-Rock EZX presents a crude, genuine and raw palette of drum sounds with an incredible range, perfect for the soft-loud-soft approach that is synonymous with the distinct dynamics of the classic alt-rock sound.

Capturing Steve’s unique method of mic placement, attention to detail and drum tuning scrutiny, this EZX gives you two full kits and cymbal setups as well as several additional instruments and percussion pieces, all crafted to perfection.

Even though this EZX takes off in the tremors of the nineties alt-rock scene, it presents a tonal palette with enough color to aid you in painting whatever sonic landscape you wish.


Recorded by Steve Albini at Electrical Audio
由Steve Albini在电子音频录制

Two (2) full kits and cymbal setups (Ludwig* Club Date & DW* Collector’s Series)
两(2)全套套件和铙钹设置(路德维希*俱乐部日期& DW*收藏家系列)

Five (5) additional snares, two (2) kicks and five (5) cymbals

Five (5) percussion instruments, including 26” and 29” Ludwig* timpani drums

Comes with a selection of MIDI drum grooves inspired by alt-rock music

