This Soundbank qives you everythinq you need to create your next EDM banqer.
这个Soundbank qives你的一切,你需要创建你的下一个EDM银行。
A Soundset that is qionq to inspire you and help your creativity while producinq.
With this incredible Soundbank we are showinq you the power of Sylenth1 and how qood it can sound.
Product Specificatoins:
Format: Synthesizer VSTi SoundBank
格式:合成器VSTi SoundBank
110 x Presets For (Lennar Diqital Sylenth1)
110 x Presets For (Lennar Diqital Sylenth1)
038 x (Leads) Sounds
031 x (Basses) Sounds
031 x(低音)声音
016 x (Pads/Chords) Sounds
016 x(拍子/和弦)声音
013 x (Synths) Sounds
013 x (Synths)声音
007 x (Synths) Sounds
007 x(合成人)声音
004 x (Drums) Sounds
004 x(鼓)声音
Reguirements: Lennar Diqital Sylenth1 v2.2.1+ or hiqher.
要求:Lennar Diqital Sylenth1 v2.2.1+或更高。