Chapter two of the new “Evo Grid” experience.
A whole new raft of super long chamber string evolutions to perfectly compliment the first instalment or sit proudly as its own super-inspiring compositional tool.
Orchestrated by Ben Foskett and recorded in the dry, vintage craft studio that makes Evo Grid #2 quite simply a class act!
After the barn-storming success of EVG1, the hundreds of emails of encouragement, some great requests and feedback and a month or so of us working with EVG1 in anger, we decided to return to make a complimentary, or indeed standalone version of the Evo concept, that opens the next chapter in the evo journey.
EVG1 barn-storming成功后,鼓励的数百封电子邮件,一些伟大的请求和反馈,我们一个月左右与愤怒EVG1合作,我们决定回到免费,或者独立版本的Evo的概念,为下一章的Evo的旅程。
For the newly initiated Evos are hyperlong articulations that change sometimes subtly, sometimes radically over time before looping.
We organise these on a grid so you can plot which evolution or ‘Evo’ sits on which key range.
In this day and age, composers are often asked to engage the listener by doing so little, we’re asked to rarely change a note, to do nothing, but really sort a scene out!
Evo Grid is our means of providing composers with a solution to this conundrum!
Evo Grid是我们为作曲家提供解决这个难题的方法!
Performed by some of the most progressive avant garde string players in London today and Recorded dry at the amazing Air-Edel studios via the finest vintage mics, neve pre-amps and vintage Cadac desk.
Spitfire went about recording 48 different and very long Evos.
Evo 2 has focussed on requests for “straighter” sounding evolutions, and “extreme” Evos where the Spitfire team thought they could push the envelope even further.
Evo 2已经集中在“更直”听起来进化的要求,和“极端”Evos,其中喷火团队认为他们可以推动信封甚至更远。
Whats more after 18 long months working on the BAFTA winning “Alien Isolation” Christian Henson felt the need for “a straight note that just did ‘something’ every once in a while at random intervals.
更重要的是,在为赢得英国电影学院奖(BAFTA)的《外星人的隔离》(Alien Isolation)工作了18个月后,克里斯蒂安·汉森(Christian Henson)觉得需要“一种直接的注意,只是偶尔做些‘事情’。”
“To give the sense of life and movement” within any scene.
These are classified as ‘episodic’ Evos and the whole Spitfire team think these are the jewel in EVG2’s crown.
Randomly mix between each of these three classes of Evo, or just within each category.
With a GUI Inspired by the EMS VCS3 you can instantly select (or peg) what evo sits on each of the 12 key ranges.
有了一个受EMS VCS3启发的GUI,您可以立即选择(或peg) evo坐在每个12个关键范围。
This gives you literally an almost infinite number of personalised configurations.
Toggle your pegs around, or hit “Randomise”, replay the MIDI and no cue will ever sound the same twice!
The pièce de résistance here though is the ability to play ultra minimal music whilst holding your audience captive with the ever changing kaleidoscope of progressive string techniques.
这里的pièce de résistance是播放超最小的音乐的能力,同时抓住你的观众与不断变化的万花筒前进的弦技术。
Whilst playing the material orchestrated by Ben Foskett, we couldn’t stop ourselves from creating an additional 5 grids of awesome warped, saturated and totally transformed versions of each and every Evo.
We have specially curated these extraordinary Evos into a number of spring-out-of-the-box patches.
These demonstrate not only the tense and extreme elements of the library but also the curiously engaging ‘episodic’ evos…
From simple “tutti” patches containing all 288 Evos spread evenly across your keyboard to diagonal patterns, specially curated peg patterns and a feature for you to randomly created peg patterns from the near infinite number of possible configurations.
从简单的“tutti”补丁包含所有288 Evos均匀地分布在您的键盘对角模式,特别精心设计的钉模式和功能,为您随机创建钉模式从接近无限可能的配置。
With a number of FX accessible from the front panel this is a tool designed for producers, composers, sound designers and editors needing spellbinding, award winning material from the minute your finger hits the keyboard.
33.6 gb未压缩。wav