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这不是你常见的原声吉他音色库。RCD Acoustic围绕现代电影配乐中常见的实验性节奏演奏风格进行构思,并采用了高度真实的“重复源”录音。


重复音色(Reps) 重复音色片段是通过真实的重复性演奏采样的,最多包含10个循环采样。这种独特的采样技术包含了音符前的瞬态信息和连续音符之间的所有声音信息,从而实现更流畅、更具活力的回放效果。

即兴片段(Riffs) 即兴片段音色包含了吉他不同音域内采样的充满活力的短语和循环。它们默认与主机的节奏同步,并且可以在用户界面中切换到半速或双倍速。结合重复音色,你可以创建高度逼真的节奏基础。

延音(Sustains) 除了基于节奏的录音,我们还使用弓弦技术和拨片颤音捕捉了大量的延音。这些音色特别适合用于创建纹理化的氛围、音色垫和音景。

塑造你的声音 我们包括了超过30个完全制作好的多重音色或“预设”,由琶音、音色垫、配乐启动器、循环和音效组成。

用户界面提供了高级的声音塑形控制,内置的模拟人性化功能,以及强大的音序器,带有动态调制功能,可通过MIDI CC或调制轮实时控制步进音量。

额外信息 Kontakt 5 Full

此产品需要Kontakt 5.8 Full或更高版本。乐器需要手动加载或使用Kontakt的快速加载功能进行加载。它不会出现在库选项卡中。Kontakt Full可以在nativeinstruments.com/kontakt上购买。

CPU / 硬盘 RCD Acoustic需要20GB的硬盘空间来安装。我们建议将样本存储在快速SSD上以获得最佳性能。虽然此产品在相对较低的内存上也能运行,但我们建议至少6GB内存。

This is not your typical acoustic guitar library. The RCD Acoustic was conceptualized around experimental, rhythmic playing styles commonly associated with modern film score and features highly realistic ‘repetition sourced’ recordings.

Featuring a vintage Martin acoustic guitar, we used many different bows, sticks, brushes, and picks (with both traditional and low tuning) to capture a massive collection of tonal and atonal sounds.


The reps patches were sampled from true repetition-based performances and include up to 10 round Robin. This unique sampling technique includes all of the sonic information pre-transient and between consecutive notes which results in a more fluid, energetic playback.


The riffs patches include energetic phrases and loops which were sampled across the range of the guitar. They sync to the host tempo by default and can be switched to half or double time within the user interface. In conjunction with the reps, you can create highly realistic rhythmic beds.


In addition to the rhythmic-based recordings, we also captured a large collection of sustains using bowing techniques and picked tremolos. These can be particularly useful for creating textural ambiance, pads, and soundscapes.

Sculpt your sound.

We included over 30 fully produced multis or ‘presets’ made up of arps, pads, cue starters, loops, and fx.

The user interface features advanced sound-shaping controls, built-in humanization, and a powerful sequencer with dynamic modulation to control the step velocity in real time via midi CC or modwheel.

Additional Information

Kontakt 5 Full

This product requires Kontakt 5.8 Full or above. The instruments need to be loaded in manually or by using Kontakt’s quick-load feature. It will not appear in the libraries tab. Kontakt Full can be purchased at nativeinstruments.com/kontakt.


RCD Acoustic requires 20GB of HD space to install. We recommend storing your samples on a fast SSD for optimal performance. While this product will run on a relatively low amount of ram, we suggest a minimum of 6gb.

