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我们收录了伦敦四位最有趣、最前卫的弦乐独奏家的演奏,为您提供一个易于使用的工具,帮助您进行细致的创作。本曲目由小提琴、中提琴、大提琴和低音提琴演奏,包括充满激情的长音和短音,以及一系列非传统的发音。另类弦乐独奏 “为您提供了一种即时、开箱即用、充满个性的合作体验。

Alternative Solo Strings 在 Spitfire Audio 高规格的内部录音室使用最好的设备录制而成,是广受欢迎的 London Contemporary Orchestra Strings 的完美伴奏。虽然变幻莫测的录音可能会将您带入意想不到的领域,但我们干式舞台的音效却能为您提供终极控制,无论是沃伦-埃利斯(Warren Ellis)式的前奏、汉斯-齐默(Hans Zimmer)式的在大型管弦乐队基础上的重奏,还是室内乐作品中的精湛演奏。





Innovative solo strings from four of London’s finest players

We’ve captured the performances of four of the most interesting and progressive string soloists in London to give you an accessible tool for detailed composition work. Featuring Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass, it features spirited longs and shorts, as well as a series of more unconventional articulations. Alternative Solo Strings offers you an instant, out-of-the-box collaborative experience, steeped in character.

Dry stage recording

Recorded at Spitfire Audio’s high-spec in-house recording studio using the finest equipment, Alternative Solo Strings is the perfect accompaniment to our hugely popular London Contemporary Orchestra Strings, recorded in the same location. While the unpredictable recordings may lead you into unexpected territory, the sonics of our dry stage provide you with ultimate control, whether that be an upfront Warren Ellis style approach, a Hans Zimmer style overdub on top of a large orchestral bed, or a virtuoso performance within the section of a chamber work.

The overview panel

This is the main interface for melodic instruments. Its default view displays all available playing techniques, has a simple microphone mixer and includes the main feature controllers.

General controls panel

This view allows further in-depth control of the instrument, showing all available signals and feature controllers, as well as the ability to purge techniques from memory to reduce system usage.

The ostinatum

In this view you can add notes to a pattern sequencer, select which key it triggers on and then play for instant ostinato creation. It’s like an arpeggiator on a synthesiser.

