- 产品视频
即时创建完整的 Drum & Bass 节奏
你不需要花费数小时来调整你的踢鼓和军鼓的平衡,或者因为更换了一个采样而不得不重新编排整个节奏。有了 VOID,只需按下一个键,就能迅速锁定你想要的声音。它会立即同步到你的 DAW 的节奏,轻轻按几下键就能轻松制作出完美的过渡和跌宕起伏的节奏,让你的粉丝们欢呼雀跃。
- MIDI 拖放到 DAW
- 多音频输出
- 即时 Drum & Bass 节奏
- 每个乐器都有声音塑形控制
突破传统的 4/4 拍节奏
直接的硬核节拍并不总能达到效果。有时候你需要那种液态、丛林风和神经核风格中特有的强劲切分节奏。VOID 为你提供创建完美破碎节拍的工具,无需采样器、无尽的节拍切片或重复的重新编排。
VOID 提供了你所需的所有节奏。如果你想从零开始创作,每个套件都允许你随意触发独立的鼓击。无论是直接使用预设,还是亲自演奏自己的节奏,你都可以轻松打造出让观众为之疯狂的节拍。让 VOID 为你提供灵感的起点,然后在灵感迸发的那一刻接手创作。
即使你从未创作过 Drum & Bass,VOID 的简洁界面也能让你轻松创作出疯狂的节拍,而无需过度思考。没有隐藏菜单或复杂的控制,一切都清晰明了。
VOID 拥有 10 个独立套件,12 个智能混音预设,以及轻松访问你所需的唯一效果,帮助你制作出硬核 Drum & Bass 节奏。它是将你最狂野的主旋律、最顺滑的合成垫和最震撼的低音线条完美结合的理想工具。
支持格式:x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge 文件
Instantly Create Full Drum & Bass Rhythms
Never spend another moment beat slicing or searching for samples.
The Fast Track from Bedroom to Club
You don’t need to spend hours getting the balance of your kick and snare right, changing one sample only to find you need to re-do the entire rhythm. With VOID, you can touch a single key and nail the sound you want from the get-go. It instantly syncs to your DAW’s tempo, and with only a few notes you can craft the perfect fills and breakdowns to make your fans scream with delight.
What’s in There?
MIDI Drag and Drop to DAW
Multiple Audio Outputs
Instant DnB Rhythms
Sound Shaping Controls per Instrument
Break Away From 4-to-the-Floor
Straight hard-hitting beats don’t always get the job done. Sometimes you need that heavy syncopation you only get in liquid, jungle, and neurofunk. VOID gives you the tools to create the perfect breakbeats without the need for samplers, endless beat slicing or monotonous rearranging.
Melt the Faces of Your Audience
VOID has all the rhythms you could possibly need. But if you want to take a stab at creating your own from scratch, every kit lets you trigger individual drum hits at will. Whether you choose to use the presets as-is or play in your own rhythms, you’ll be ready to create beats that melt the faces off your audience. Let VOID give you a starting point, then simply take over the moment inspiration strikes.
Zero Experience Required
Even if you’ve never created DnB before, VOID’s transparent interface makes it easy to create crazy bangers without overthinking it. No hidden menus or obscure controls, and everything is clearly laid out for you.
Done-for-You Processing
Saturation, compression and ambience are all dialed in perfectly for every kit. All you need to do is choose how much of each effect you want to rock your mix, without any need for additional effects.
Features at a Glance
With 10 separate kits, 12 smart-mix presets and easy access to the only FX you need to make hard-hitting DnB breaks, VOID is the perfect tool to glue together your dirtiest leads, smoothest pads and thumping basslines.
Special Control: Vortex
The unique control combines a notch filter sweep and compression that lets you create mind blowing riser and drops.
Micro Timing
Lets you control the speed and timing of your beats. Dial in the tempo of your host from half to normal to double speed.
x64: AAX, VST3, VST2 | x86: JBridge files
Just install!