Minimoog-V Original includes all the sounds (more than 1,000 presets created by talented artists and renowned sound designers) and features (32-voice polyphony, plus much more besides) from the latest Minimoog- V update (Version 2.5), but without the additional functionality accessible behind the ‘hinged’ front panel – just like the original Minimoog.

It’s been several years since Arturia announced the release of its Minimoog-V soft synth – modelling the distinctive tones and analogue nuances of the legendary Seventies-vintage Minimoog Model D monosynth – in an agreement with Moog Music initiated by Bob Moog himself.
几年前,Arturia宣布发布其minimog -v软合成器-建模独特的音调和模拟细微差别的传奇70年代复古Minimoog Model D单合成器-在鲍勃·穆格本人发起的穆格音乐协议。

What better way to toast the passing of that productive partnership and end the arrangement between the two companies on a high note than with a generous give-away on World Music Day?

