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KONTAKT 7:从瞬间灵感到行业领先的乐器构建工具

KONTAKT 7 既是音乐创作者的瞬间灵感来源,也是行业领先的乐器构建工具。我们将 KONTAKT 二十年的辉煌历史带入未来。借助全新的可调整大小的浏览器,轻松找到声音。通过全新的工厂库、新增的效果和底层音频改进,探索新的音乐创意,找到全新的灵感。

KONTAKT 是终极采样平台和行业标准

KONTAKT 支持市场上最大的采样乐器选择。内置的工厂库为您提供超过55 GB的详细、富有创意和表现力的乐器。将您自己的采样拖放到乐器界面中,使用您自己的声音。使用强大的采样编辑和乐器构建工具,打造您自己的乐器。


使用 KONTAKT 7,您可以听起来像一个小军鼓,一个交响乐团,或者任何介于两者之间的声音,来自一个宇宙的采样乐器。当您需要它时,它是一个简单的采样器,当您需要更多时,它是一个深度声音脚本实验室。世界上最受欢迎的采样平台的下一代为您带来了新的乐器和底层新功能——您可以按照您的想象方式分层、连接、拉伸和塑造您的声音。


经过二十多年的发展,KONTAKT 已成为一个高度发展的创建和演奏采样乐器的引擎。KONTAKT 7 为演奏者和构建者提供了更多:

  • 介绍 KONTAKT Play 系列:KONTAKT 库中的三种新乐器,提供纯净、现代的声音和一个创意和简洁的界面。
  • 波表合成模块:构建混合乐器,创造全新的声音。
  • 使用 MOD PACK 中的新效果调制您的声音;Choral、Flair 和 Phasis。
  • 将您自己的采样拖放到乐器中,使用您自己的声音,创造独一无二的结果。
  • 增强效果:为您的创作提供更多效果,增加表现力和真实感。
  • 创作者工具:新的独立应用程序,专门用于改进库的创建和编辑过程。


KONTAKT 7 介绍了 KONTAKT Play 系列:对受欢迎的声音的新演绎。每个乐器都将强大的创意处理链置于一个简单、直观的界面中。这些混合乐器结合了波表合成和创意采样内容,允许动态实时混合和声音雕刻。

所有乐器都具有八个精心分配的宏控制,分别对应于 KOMPLETE KONTROL 和 MASCHINE 硬件上的八个旋钮。这些控制映射到后台的多个共享参数,因此您可以通过一个宏旋钮的单一转动显著改变声音。








KONTAKT 是数百种高度逼真和详细的采样乐器的宿主。因为它是最广泛使用的宿主平台,您可能已经在流行音乐榜和俱乐部热曲、热门电视节目和大片电影中听到过 KONTAKT。

除了我们自己的 KONTAKT 乐器,目前还有大约600种来自其他制造商的授权乐器可以在 KONTAKT 中运行,另外还有数千种所谓的“独立”乐器。这种多样的生态系统意味着 KONTAKT 7 是您进入行业中最大可演奏采样声音集合的入口。



  • macOS 11.0 或更高版本
  • Apple Silicon 或 Intel Core 处理器

KONTAKT 7 is everything from instant inspiration for music makers to the industry’s leading instrument-building tool. For the seventh generation of KONTAKT, we’re bringing its 20-year legacy into the future. Find sounds easily with a new resizable browser. Explore new musical ideas and find fresh inspiration with an overhauled Factory Library, newly added effects, and under-the-hood audio improvements.

KONTAKT is the Definitive Sampling Platform and Industry-Standard. KONTAKT powers the biggest selection of sampled instruments available. Included factory library puts 55+ GB of detailed, creative, and expressive instruments at your fingertips. Drag and drop your own samples into an instrument’s interface to use your own sounds. Build your own instruments with powerful sample-editing and instrument-building.


With KONTAKT 7, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.


Over two decades, KONTAKT has become a highly-developed engine for creating and playing sampled instruments. KONTAKT 7 offers more for players and builders alike:

  • Introducing KONTAKT Play Series: Three new instruments for the KONTAKT library, offering pristine, contemporary sound in a creative and streamlined interface

Wavetable synthesis module: Build hybrid instruments for entirely new sounds.

  • Modulate your sound with additional new effects taken from MOD PACK; Choral, Flair, and Phasis
  • Drag and drop you own samples into instruments to use them with your own sounds and create one-of-a-kind results.
  • Enhanced effects: Even more effects for your creations, for greater expression and realism.
  • Creator Tools: New standalone application dedicated to improving the library creation and editing process.


KONTAKT 7 introduces the KONTAKT Play Series: New twists on sought-after sounds. Each places powerful, creative processing chains into a simple, intuitive interface. These hybrid instruments combine wavetable synthesis with creatively sampled content, allowing dynamic live blending and sound sculpting.

The instruments all feature eight carefully assigned macro controls, corresponding to the eight rotary encoders on our KOMPLETE KONTROL and MASCHINE hardware. These controls are mapped to numerous shared parameters behind the scenes, so you can change a sound dramatically with a single twist of a macro knob.


A powerful instrument featuring legendary analog and digital synths of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.ETHEREAL EARTH

A rich hybrid instrument that takes live instrumentation from across the world and combines it with digital synthesis.HYBRID KEYS

A modern and creative twist on acoustic piano, classic electric piano, synth, and analog keys – ideal for all contemporary styles.


KONTAKT is a host for hundreds of highly realistic and detailed sampled instruments. And because it’s the most widely-used host platform, you’ve probably already heard KONTAKT – on chart-topping pop and club smashes, hit TV shows, and blockbuster movies.

As well as our own KONTAKT instruments, there are currently around 600 licensed instruments from other manufacturers that run in KONTAKT, plus thousands more so-called ‘indie’ instruments. This diverse ecosystem means that KONTAKT 7 is your access point to the industry’s biggest collection of playable sampled sound.

Release NotesSupported Operation System:

– macOS 11.0 or later

– Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

