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欢迎使用我们旗舰级的管弦乐弦乐库——东京录音弦乐。引入独特的室屋光一郎弦乐团声音,这支日本顶级的会话弦乐团在无数世界著名的动漫和游戏原声带中频频亮相。由日本顶级录音工程师相泽光纪在传奇的Sound City Studio录制。令人难以置信的敏捷、动人的颤音以及足以实现几乎任何乐谱的深度采样演奏技巧。
信息: 日本弦乐的声音既迷人又独特。是什么让它如此独特?在专注的录音室空间中录制的小型乐团更适合灵活的演奏,而对完美的追求则带来了惊人的准确性。这些优势使日本乐团既能够细腻地表现微妙之处,又能进行荡气回肠的情感演奏,使听众感动流泪。对于我们许多年来一直仰慕日本原声带的人来说,这种声音长期以来一直是灵感的源泉,但对于大多数日本以外的作曲家来说,这种声音一直难以企及——直到现在。
我们推出东京录音弦乐的目标是为您提供众多世界著名日本作品中的管弦乐弦乐音色。对于Impact Soundworks的所有人来说,这个项目实现了我们的梦想,并且我们很高兴能与一些音乐界的英雄合作,将其变为现实。但我们并不仅仅满足于捕捉这一非凡的音色;我们还致力于提供卓越、激发灵感的用户界面、灵活的编辑、美妙的连奏和媲美任何其他行业标准弦乐库的录音深度。
KONTAKT 6.6+ 播放器或完整版
版本 1.0.10
修复了前瞻 CC11 同步问题
版本 1.0.9
修复了 1.0.8 更新中的文件位置问题
版本 1.0.8
添加了针对 Kontakt 7.6.1 漏洞的解决方案,该漏洞影响 CC11 映射
版本 1.0.7
- 更新默认设置以在短音符中保留更多的房间声。
- 修复了低音提琴渐弱长音符发声突兀的问题。
版本 1.0.6
解决了一个 KSP 漏洞,该漏洞导致乐器在使用几分钟后产生悬挂音。
版本 1.0.5
版本 1.0.4
修复:’大提琴 Spiccato Secco D1 V2 RR01′ 的延迟启动时间已修正。
修复:某些演奏法中不一致的速度到音量的行为。根据当前预期行为,所有长音符 + Sfz/Dec 由动态控制(CC1),所有短音符由速度控制。
修复:我们发现 Cubase 用户默认情况下 MIDI 音符之间有 2 个 tick 的间隙,这导致 Lookahead 的连奏检测无法正常工作。Lookahead 现在会考虑额外的 2 个 tick。
修复:在演奏连奏线时,攻击叠加现在会正确淡出。之前,像 Sfz 1/4 这样的长叠加在音符转换后仍会继续响起。
版本 1.0.3
通过调整音色和脚本减少了所有音色的内存使用量。改进了攻击叠加缩放的行为,尤其是在启用 niente 时。改进了快速连奏释放的音效。修复了中提琴 D3 的 spiccato 音符(根音不正确)。小的前瞻时间调整。
版本 1.0.2
修复了组合音色,关闭连奏速度时 Lookahead 不再被波尔塔门托重置,修复了 modwheel 控制的 sfz/dec 行为,为 arco(等)增加了 sfz 长/短叠加选项,添加了某些标签和映射控件的缺失帮助文本,修复了小提琴 2 麦克风混音器的近场/德卡共享同一个总线的问题,Kontakt 清除应该可以再次工作
版本 1.0.1
NKR 修复了短音符切断问题
Welcome to our flagship orchestral string library, Tokyo Scoring Strings. Introducing the distinctive sound of Koichiro Muroya Strings, the top Japanese session string ensemble, heard on countless world-famous anime and game soundtracks. Recorded in the legendary Sound City Studio by Japan’s top recording engineer, Mitsunori Aizawa. Incredible agility, stirring vibrato, and enough deeply-sampled playing techniques to realize virtually any score.
The sound of Japanese strings is both captivating and highly unique. What makes it so distinctive? Smaller ensembles recorded in focused studio spaces lend themselves to more agile playing, and a focus on perfection leads to incredible accuracy. These strengths make Japanese ensembles equally capable of delicate nuance and sweeping emotional performances that move listeners to tears. For many of us who have admired Japanese soundtracks for years, this sound has long been a source of inspiration, but it’s been out of reach for most composers outside of Japan – until now.
Our goal with Tokyo Scoring Strings is to give you the orchestral string sound featured in so many world-famous Japanese productions. This project has been a dream come true for all of us at Impact Soundworks, and we’re thrilled to have worked with some of our musical heroes to bring it to life. But we weren’t satisfied with just capturing this remarkable sound; we also sought to deliver an outstanding, inspiring UI, flexible editing, beautiful legato, and recording depth to rival any other industry-standard string libraries.
KONTAKT 6.6+ Player OR Full Version
Version 1.0.10
Fixed lookahead CC11 synchronization
Version 1.0.9
Fixed location of files from 1.0.8 update
Version 1.0.8
Added workaround for Kontakt 7.6.1 bug affecting CC11 mapping
Version 1.0.7
– Default settings updated to preserve more room sound in short articulations.
– Fixed abrupt attack cut-in on Contrabasses Decrescendo Long articulation.
Version 1.0.6
Worked around a KSP bug which caused instruments to produce hanging voices after several minutes of use
Version 1.0.5
Fixed issues with sample offset (cut-off samples) in various patches
Version 1.0.4
FIXED: ‘Cello Spiccato Secco D1 V2 RR01’ Late Start-time has been corrected.
FIXED: Inconsistent Velocity -> Volume behavior on some articulations. Corrected for the current intended behavior, all Longs + Sfz/Dec are controlled by Dynamics (CC1), and all Shorts are controlled by Velocity.
FIXED: We discovered Cubase users by default have a 2-tick gap between touching MIDI Notes, which prevented Lookahead’s legato detection from working properly. Lookahead now accounts for an extra 2 ticks.
FIXED: Attack overlays now properly are faded out when playing legato lines. Before, long overlays like the Sfz 1/4 would continue ringing long after notes transitioned.
FIXED: Previous Library Pane graphic had corrupted Kanji in the logo.
Version 1.0.3
Reduced RAM usage for all patches across the board by adjusting patches & scripts. Improved behavior of attack overlay scaling, especially with niente enabled. Improved sound of fast legato releases. Viola D3 spiccato note fix (incorrect root key). Small lookahead timing adjustments.
Version 1.0.2
Fixed multis, Lookahead with leg speed off is no longer reset by portamento, fixed sfz/dec behavior from modwheel, added sfz long/short overlay options for arco (etc), added missing help text for certain tabs and mapping controls, fixed violins 2 mic mixer close/decca sharing same bus, Kontakt purge should work again
Version 1.0.1
NKR hotfix for short note cutout issue