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托马斯·普里根鼓 作为托马斯在鼓界中的代表作,MixWave: Thomas Pridgen与他的表演一样多才多艺且独具风格。无论是什么类型的音乐需求,Pridgen的声音加上MixWave的处理,成为了即使是最挑剔的录音棚耳朵的瑞士军刀解决方案。

混音就绪的鼓声 即开即用的托马斯完美制作的鼓声。


完全控制 通过全功能且直观的混音器界面,全面控制所有声音在混音中的位置。


…以及更多 充满额外功能、工具和控制,你不需要其他任何东西就可以持续创作。


  • macOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15或11(最新更新)
  • Windows 7、Windows 8或Windows 10(最新更新)
  • 英特尔Core i5或同等AMD CPU
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Kontakt Player(免费)或Kontakt 6.5.3及以上版本
  • 大约5.5 GB的TPD磁盘空间

Thomas Pridgen Drums

A sample library that stands on its own as much as Thomas does within the drum community, MixWave: Thomas Pridgen is as versatile and idiomatic as his own performances. Ready to conquer the needs of any genre, Pridgen’s sound, paired with the MixWave treament, stands apart as a swiss army knife solution for even the most discerning studio ears.

Mix ready drums

Have Thomas’ production-perfect drums right out of the box.

Featuring 4 different snare options, and a one-of-a-kind set of 12 cymbals.

Complete control

Have total control over how everything sits in the mix with the fully featured and intuitive mixer-style interface.

Dial in pre-mixed reverbs, built-in master channel fx options, and go from fully mixed to completely unprocessed drums with a click.

…and then some

Packed with additional features, tools, and controls, you won’t need anything else to keep creating.

System requirements

– macOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15 or 11 (latest update)

– Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest update)

– Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD CPU

– 4 GB RAM

– Kontakt Player (Free) or Kontakt 6.5.3 and above

– About 5.5 GB of disk space for TPD

