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独奏》汇集了众多抒情而富有表现力的管弦乐独奏家: 小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、小号、法国号、降调号、长笛、单簧管、双簧管、英国号、巴松管、天使女高音和歌剧女高音。独奏曲是一个非常全面的合集,音色明显,只需极少或无需调整,就能扩展音乐的情感和表现力。

由 Pyramid 提供。
我们统一的 Kontakt 采样库框架。我们花费了无数的时间来打造业内最简单的用户体验。每个产品都没有学习曲线,一旦你了解 Pyramid,你就会了解所有产品。

喜爱 Solo 的 13 个理由。
你想要更多,我们做到了。我们录制了 13 种,是的,你没看错,13 种新乐器: 小提琴、中提琴、大提琴、小号、法国号、降号、长笛、单簧管、双簧管、英国号、巴松管、天使女高音和歌剧女高音。

100% 全新录音。

我们为每种乐器录制了两种连音: 弦乐的 “回弓 ”和 “模糊”,木管乐器和铜管乐器的 “指法 ”和 “重音”,女高音的 “啊 ”和 “哦”。您甚至可以通过速度或 CC 在两种连音之间切换,而无需使用按键开关。




在 Audio Imperia 的真正风格中,我们为您提供一些真正独特的垫子,这些垫子是专门根据录音制作的。


13 个极富表现力的抒情独奏。

5 个麦克风位置和 2 个即用混音(经典 + 现代)。



已安装约 90 GB(NCW 格式)。

专为免费的 Kontakt Player(6.5.2 或更高版本)制作。

支持 NKS。

Solo puts a vast collection of lyrical and expressive orchestral Soloists under one single roof: Violin, Viola, Cello, Trumpet, French Horn, Descant Horn, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, English Horn, Bassoon, Soprano Angelic, and Soprano Operatic. Solo is an incredibly comprehensive collection with a pronounced sound that will expand the level of emotion and expression within your music with minimal to no tweaking.

Powered by Pyramid.

Our unified Kontakt sample library framework. Countless hours were spent on bringing one of the easiest user experiences in the industry. No learning curves for each product, once you know Pyramid, you know them all.

13 reasons why to love Solo.

You wanted more, we delivered. We recorded 13, yes, you read that right, thirteen new instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Trumpet, French Horn, Descant Horn, Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, English Horn, Bassoon, Soprano Angelic and Soprano Operatic.

100% new recordings.

Two types of long-form true legato. No key-switching required.

We recorded two types of legato for each instrument: Rebowed and Slurred for Strings, Fingered and Retongued for Woodwinds and Brass, Aah and Ooh for the Sopranos. You can even switch between the two types of legato without using key-switches, by using either velocity or CC.

Less is more.

We recorded just one dynamic layer on legato articulations, which is actually better for solo instruments. The less crossfades you do, the less phasing artifacts you get.

This unique dynamic layer contains all the musicality and emotion you will ever need. The recipe: slight crescendo-diminuendos, some progressive vibrato, and voila. It just works.

Recorded with Budapest Scoring.

A breath of fresh air. An incredible team of contractors, musicians and sound engineers. A true recipe for success.

Our signature Sound Design.

In true Audio Imperia style, we provide you with some really unique pads that were made exclusively from the recordings.

Technical perfection.

High standards of quality – that is the base of everything we do. All of our sample libraries are meticulously handcrafted, and every single sample is treated like a gem: carefully polished to bring out all their brilliance. This ensures you a buttery-smooth experience when making music. Carefully synced sample-starts and standardized pre-pads ensure that your performances will never be out of sync, while ensuring maximum realism.


13 incredibly expressive & lyrical soloists.

5 mic positions and 2 ready-to-go mixes (Classic + Modern).

Two types of long-form true legato for all instruments.

Additional articulations and sound design.

Approximately 90 GB installed (NCW format).

Made for the free Kontakt Player, Version 6.5.2 or higher.

NKS ready.

