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ProDrummer Volume 1 包含约60GB的鼓组和MIDI鼓乐段,由Mark “Spike” Stent和多次获奖的EastWest制作人Doug Rogers制作,鼓手为Steven Sidelnyk(曾与Madonna、Seal、Massive Attack合作)。
ProDrummer Volume 1 包括Drum Workshop、Slingerland、Gretsch、Ludwig、Yamaha、Orange County、Zildjian的鼓组、踩镲和镲片,录制于五个不同的房间。ProDrummer混音器中的声音塑造选项无与伦比,具有EASTWEST一贯的高品质。所有鼓组都有自己的通道,具有独立的处理和路由。
“在EastWest,我们注重‘声音’;那是唯一会出现在你曲目中的部分,因此,除了制作人的预混鼓组外,我们还包含了一些我们最喜欢的效果处理器,包括Solid State Logic的均衡和动态处理器、瞬态塑形器和传奇的SSL立体声总线压缩器;Ohmicide多频段失真、压缩、均衡和滤波器,它几乎可以让你创造‘任何东西’,非常适合EDM或媒体作曲家;另外还有EastWest的新音箱模拟器,拥有80个音箱预设,以及扩展卷积混响,拥有726个额外的混响预设。这些强大的工具一起使用户对核心声音的自定义仅受限于你的想象力!”
制作人 MARK “SPIKE” STENT Mark “Spike” Stent 是一位英国制作人/混音工程师,曾与Coldplay、Lady Gaga、Beyoncé、Muse、Usher、U2、Madonna、Linkin Park、Björk、Depeche Mode、Maroon 5、Gwen Stefani、Moby、No Doubt、Oasis、Keane、Massive Attack、Bastille等国际艺人合作。Stent 在2014年混音了两张国际排行榜第一的专辑(Coldplay和Ed Sheeran),并获得了三项格莱美奖,包括:2010年最佳摇滚专辑Muse的《The Resistance》、2009年最佳当代R&B专辑Beyoncé的《I Am… Sasha Fierce》和2006年最佳舞曲电子专辑Madonna的《Confessions on a Dance Floor》。
在第53届格莱美奖上,Stent在四个不同的类别中获得提名:Lady Gaga的《Fame Monster》获得“年度专辑”提名,Muse的《The Resistance》获得“最佳摇滚专辑”(获奖),Goldfrapp的《Head First》获得“最佳舞曲电子专辑”提名,以及Usher的《Raymond V Raymond》获得“最佳当代R&B专辑”提名。
- 两卷共104个鼓组
- 超过100GB的完美调音鼓组,由Steven Sidelnyk(曾与Madonna、Seal、Massive Attack合作)和Matt Chamberlain(曾与Peter Gabriel、Bruce Springsteen、Pearl Jam合作)演奏。
- 由音乐行业排名第一的混音师Mark ‘Spike’ Stent、十次格莱美获奖制作人Joe Chiccarelli以及EastWest的多次获奖制作人Doug Rogers共同录制。
- 包含制作人预混的用户可调鼓组,使鼓组可直接混入你的曲目中。
- 包含超过14,000个按风格、长度和速度分类的MIDI乐段。
- 16通道混音器允许完全控制每个鼓组、溢出和房间麦克风。
- 在五个从干到非常湿的录音室录制。
- 唯一包含真实SSL均衡器、压缩器、瞬态设计器和立体声总线压缩器的鼓组集合。
- 包含Ohmicide以创造EDM或合成鼓声。
- 包含用于进一步鼓处理的音箱模拟器。
- 包含最先进的混响和726个预设。
- 包含在ProDrummer软件内安排完整鼓轨道的歌曲构建器音序器。
- 包含与DAW同步以匹配你曲目中的groove速度。
- 包含拖放功能以将鼓轨道复制到你的DAW中。
- 包含鼓力度处理器和力度图表以增加冲击力。
- 允许在鼓组中交换单个鼓,调音并堆叠(例如堆叠两个军鼓)。
你需要R2R PLAY/OPUS版本来使用这个库(正如一个女巫所说…)
ProDrummer Volume 1 includes approx. 60 Gigabytes of Drum Kits and MIDI drum grooves produced by Mark “Spike” Stent and multi-award winning EastWest producer Doug Rogers, with drums played by Steven Sidelnyk (Madonna, Seal, Massive Attack).
ProDrummer Volume 1 includes Drum Workshop, Slingerland, Gretsch, Ludwig, Yamaha, Orange County, Zildjian drums, hi-hats and cymbals recorded in 5 different rooms. The sound shaping options in the ProDrummer Mixer are unparalleled with the usual high quality you expect from EASTWEST. All drums have their own channels with individual processing and routing.
EastWest’s ProDrummer not only includes professional drum sounds; the producers, who record and mix the biggest artists in the music business, have included pre-mixed drum kits for use in your compositions using the ‘state of the art’ tools included in the ProDrummer software.
“At EastWest, we’re all about the ‘sound’; that’s the only part that ends up in your track, so, in addition to the producer pre-mixed drum kits, we have included our favorite effects processors including Solid State Logic EQ and Dynamics, Transient Shaper, and the legendary SSL Stereo Bus Compressor; Ohmicide multiband distortion, compression, EQ and filter, which pretty much lets you create ‘anything’, and is perfect for EDM or media composers; plus EastWest’s new Amp Simulator with 80 Amp Presets, and Expanded Convolution Reverb with 726 Additional Reverb Presets. Together these powerful tools enable user customization of the core sounds limited only by your imagination!”
Also included in each volume are over 14,000 MIDI drum grooves in different styles. Search for the right grooves for your song with our groove ‘search engine’ and assemble your song right inside ProDrummer with the built-in sequencer (or drag to your DAW). Use our built-in Velocity Processor to control the dynamic power of the drums. Export the song to your favorite DAW to build the rest of your track, it couldn’t be easier!
Mark “Spike” Stent is an English producer/mixing engineer who has worked with many international artists including: Coldplay, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Muse, Usher, U2, Madonna, Linkin Park, Björk, Depeche Mode, Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani, Moby, No Doubt, Oasis, Keane, Massive Attack, and Bastille to name a few. Stent mixed 2 international #1 albums in 2014 (Coldplay and Ed Sheeran), and has won three Grammys, including: Best Rock Album in 2010 for Muse ‘The Resistance’, Best Contemporary R&B Album in 2009 for Beyoncé ‘I Am… Sasha Fierce’, and Best Dance Electronica Album in 2006 with Madonna ‘Confessions on a Dance Floor’.
At the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards Stent was nominated across four different genres: ‘Album of the Year’ with Lady Gaga for Fame Monster, ‘Best Rock Album’ with Muse for ‘The Resistance’ (Winner), ‘Best Dance Electronica Album’ with Goldfrapp for ‘Head First’, and ‘Best Contemporary R&B Album’ with Usher ‘Raymond V Raymond’.
– 104 drum kits in both volumes
– Over 100GBs of perfectly tuned drums performed by Steven Sidelnyk (Madonna, Seal, Massive Attack), and Matt Chamberlain (Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam).
– Recorded by the #1 mixer in the music business, Mark ‘Spike’ Stent, 10-time Grammy winning producer Joe Chiccarelli, and co-produced by EastWest’s multiple-award winning producer Doug Rogers.
– Includes Pre-mixed user adjustable Drum Kits from the producers so the drums are ready to be mixed into your track.
– Includes over 14,000 MIDI grooves categorized by style, length, and tempo.
– 16 channel mixer enables complete control of each drum kit, bleed and room mics
– Recorded in 5 studios from dry to very wet.
– The ONLY drum collection to include authentic SSL EQ, Compression, Transient Designer, and Stereo Bus compressor.
– Includes Ohmicide to create EDM or synthesize the drum sounds.
– Includes an Amp Simulator for further drum processing.
– Includes a State of the Art Reverb and 726 presets.
– Includes a Songbuilder sequencer to arrange complete drum tracks inside of the ProDrummer software.
– Includes Sync to DAW to match the groove tempo in your track.
– Includes Drag and Drop to copy drums tracks to your DAW.
– Includes a Drum Velocity Processor and velocity graph to add punch.
– Includes the ability to swap individual drums within a kit, tune them and stack them (2 snares stacked for example).
You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library (as a witch has said…)
Read the included txt file in the DECiBEL dir for install instructions.