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如果您在为电影、电视或游戏配乐,您需要 EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Brass。这是一项具有震撼规模的史诗成就,Hollywood Brass 结合了制作人 Doug Rogers、Nick Phoenix 和 Thomas Bergersen,以及奥斯卡获奖配乐工程师 Shawn Murphy 的才华。在被广泛认为是世界上最好的铜管录音室之一的 EastWest Studio 1 进行了精心录制,Hollywood Brass 为您提供了五个可混合的麦克风位置,以定制工作室的辉煌氛围。Hollywood Brass 无缝衔接 EastWest 的 Hollywood Strings、Woodwinds 和 Percussion;因此,您可以在 DAW 内部安排您一直梦寐以求的史诗级电影管弦乐队。
多种演奏法和五个可混合的麦克风位置 在 Grammy 和奥斯卡获奖配乐工程师 Shawn Murphy 的指导下,在 EastWest 著名的 Studio 1(主要好莱坞电影配乐和电视主题曲的诞生地)录制的 EastWest Hollywood Brass 的 24-bit 采样清晰而细致入微,该音色库为您提供前所未有的控制,您可以通过多达五个可混合的麦克风位置和多种演奏法来控制乐器的表现力和音色;包括 Sus、Sus Vibrato、Sus Non-Vibrato、SusLite、Sus Marcato Long、Sus Marcato Short、SusAccent、Expressive Vibrato、Sus with Pitch Waver、Portato、Portato Short、Portato Long、Legato Repetitions RRx4 以及 Mariachi Sus。
在您的指挥棒下的完整交响铜管乐队 Hollywood Brass 将完整的交响铜管乐队置于您的指挥棒下:独奏小号、两把小号、三把小号、独奏法国号、两把法国号、六把法国号、独奏长号、两把男高音长号 + 一把低音长号、独奏大号、独奏赛克斯巴索和一个由两把男高音长号、一把低音长号、一把大号和一把赛克斯巴索组成的低音铜管部分。Hollywood Brass 还包括从著名的卷积混响 Quantum Leap Spaces 中提取的新铜管混响脉冲。
圣杯般的管弦乐采样 对于 Sweetwater 的作曲家来说,EastWest Hollywood Orchestra 系列真的是一个“荒岛”管弦乐库,里面充满了圣杯般的采样,将好莱坞大片的声音置于您的指尖。该系列及其部分可以单独获取,受到了音乐媒体的高度评价,包括 Electronic Musician 的编辑选择奖和 Future Music 的铂金奖。这些出版物以及其他媒体,赞扬了这些采样的惊人细节、出色的真实连奏和整体声音质量,以及通过五个麦克风位置(包括主 Decca 树、中、近、环绕麦克风阵列和一个替代的 1945 年代 RCA 缎带室内麦克风)获得的惊人控制力。总而言之,Hollywood Orchestra 是严肃作曲家的必备创作工具。
EastWest Hollywood Brass Diamond Edition 特点:
- 清晰的 24-bit,44.1 kHz 采样
- EastWest PLAY 高级采样引擎提供复杂的表现选项和混响
- 包含从著名的卷积混响 Quantum Leap Spaces 中提取的铜管混响脉冲
- 由业内顶级工程师和制作人在 EastWest Studios 的 Studio 1 录制
- 5 个可混合的麦克风位置
- 多种演奏法可用于细腻、逼真的作曲
您需要 R2R PLAY/OPUS 版本才能使用此音色库(正如一位巫师所说…)
请阅读 DECiBEL 目录中包含的 txt 文件以获取安装说明。
If you’re scoring for film, television, or games; you need EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Brass. An epic achievement of blockbuster dimensions, Hollywood Brass combines the talents of Producers Doug Rogers, Nick Phoenix and Thomas Bergersen, and Academy Award-winning scoring Engineer Shawn Murphy. Meticulously recorded in EastWest Studio 1, widely acclaimed as one of the finest brass recording rooms in the entire world, Hollywood Brass gives you five mixable mic positions to customize the studio’s glorious ambience for your productions. Hollywood Brass works seamlessly with EastWest Hollywood Strings, Woodwinds, and Percussion; so you can arrange the epic cinematic orchestra you’ve always wanted – right from inside your DAW.
Multiple articulations and five mixable mic positions
Recorded in EastWest’s famous Studio 1 (the birthplace of major Hollywood soundtracks and TV themes) by Grammy and Academy Award-winning scoring engineer Shawn Murphy, the 24-bit samples of EastWest Hollywood Brass are pristine and gloriously detailed, and the collection gives you unprecedented control over the expressiveness and sound of the instruments with up to five mixable mic positions and multiple articulations; including Sus, Sus Vibrato, Sus Non-Vibrato, SusLite, Sus Marcato Long, Sus Marcato Short, SusAccent, Expressive Vibrato, Sus with Pitch Waver, Portato, Portato Short, Portato Long, Legato Repetitions RRx4, and Mariachi Sus.
An entire symphonic brass section under your baton
Hollywood Brass puts an entire symphonic brass section under your baton: Solo Trumpet, two Trumpets, three Trumpets, Solo French Horn, two French Horns, six French Horns, Solo Trombone, two Tenor + one Bass Trombone, Solo Tuba, Solo Cimbasso and a low brass section consisting of two Tenor Trombones, 1 Bass Trombone, 1 Tuba and 1 Cimbasso. Hollywood Brass also includes new brass reverb impulses taken from the renowned convolution reverb Quantum Leap Spaces.
Holy grail orchestral samples
For composers at Sweetwater, the EastWest Hollywood Orchestra series is truly a “desert-island” orchestral library, packed with holy grail samples that put the sound of Hollywood blockbusters right at your fingertips. The collection and its sections, which are available separately, have received critical acclaim from the music press, including Electronic Musician’s Editor’s Choice Award and Future Music’s Platinum Award. These publications, and others, cite the samples’ stunning detail, superior true legato, and overall sonic quality, as well as the amazing control you get with five mic positions, including the main Decca tree; mid, close, and surround mic arrays, as well as an alternate vintage 1945 RCA ribbon room mic. Bottom line, Hollywood Orchestra is a must-have compositional tool for the serious composer.
EastWest Hollywood Brass Diamond Edition Features:
– Pristine 24-bit, 44.1 kHz samples
– EastWest PLAY Advanced Sample Engine provides sophisticated performance options and reverb
– Includes brass reverb impulses taken from the renowned convolution reverb Quantum Leap Spaces
– Recorded by top industry engineers and producers in Studio 1 at EastWest Studios
– 5 mixable mic positions
– Multiple articulations available for nuanced, lifelike compositions
You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library (as a witch has said…)
Read the included txt file in the DECiBEL dir for install instructions.