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旅行者系列: 欢迎来到Red Room Audio的旅行者系列,这是一系列持续发展的精品采样库,特色是忠实录制的传统世界乐器,来自全球各地的目的地。旅行者系列音库致力于提供只有在乐器和音乐风格发源地才能捕捉到的纯净音色,保留其真实的特性和历史。


博德兰鼓与骨片: 博德兰鼓是一种爱尔兰框鼓,敞开的一侧允许一只手放在鼓头内部以控制音高和音色。它可以用手或各种“鼓棒”敲击,据说是由无法负担金属的农民发展出来的“穷人的铃鼓”。


为了制作博德兰鼓与骨片音库,我们前往爱尔兰都柏林,与Mighty Bodhrans的拥有者兼鼓制作者Marcin Oracki合作。Marcin热衷于制作博德兰鼓、举办工作坊并进行现场演出已有二十年。我们还在Herbert Place Studios与制作人/工程师James Darkin合作录制。我们热情洋溢的录制会话中充满了咖啡、对Searsons酒吧的造访和友好的玩笑,完全是一场狂欢。


  • 由博德兰鼓制造商Marcin Oracki在爱尔兰都柏林录制的6个独特的爱尔兰博德兰鼓和2组骨片。
  • 鼓使用5种鼓棒在多个区域采样:中心、中间、边缘、边框和外壳。采用“Franken采样”方法提供真实的音高和阻尼控制,以及单独的瞬态和持续音。
  • 2组骨片的击打和滚奏音色。
  • 8槽FX效果架。
  • 现代、易用、功能丰富的GUI。
  • 2.2 GB内容 – 20460个样本(24位/44.1kHz – NCW格式)。 要求:
  • Native Instruments Kontakt(完整版),版本5.8.1或更高。
  • 3 GB磁盘空间。
  • 2 GB内存(推荐4 GB)。
  • 2008年或以后处理器。您的系统还必须满足Native Instruments Kontakt版本5.8.1的要求。如果您无法运行该版本,将无法加载此音库。

发音方式: 博德兰鼓: 博德兰1 – 15 ½” x 6”浅壳,中等重量山羊皮。 博德兰2 – 14” x 6”浅复合壳,轻量小牛皮。 博德兰3 – 14” x 5”深浅复合壳,中等重量小牛皮。 博德兰4 – 14” x 5”中等重量桦木壳,重型小牛皮。 博德兰5 – 12” x 5”中等重量桦木壳,中等重量山羊皮,外加一层山羊皮以消除泛音。 博德兰6 – 12” x 4”中等重量桦木壳,重型山羊皮。 骨片,2组(乌木和真正的骨头)。

发音方式: 博德兰鼓的鼓棒类型:

  • 木质鼓棒
  • 热棒
  • 松散刷子
  • 紧密刷子
  • 手指

鼓区(博德兰鼓): 中心、中间、边缘、边框、外壳。 骨片: 击打和滚奏。


博德兰鼓GUI: 鼓棒类型菜单。 音高和阻尼控制。 鼓区显示。 麦克风和元素混音器。 合奏模式。 力度曲线控制。 8槽FX效果架。

骨片GUI: 每组的音量、声相和调音。 麦克风混音器。 滚奏动态控制。 合奏模式。 力度曲线控制。 8槽FX效果架。

6 unique traditional Irish bodhrans recorded in Dublin, Ireland. Each sampled with 5 stick types at a variety of locations on the drum, with sound design controls, multiple dynamic layers and round robins. Change pitch and dampen realistically on the fly. Bones patch features 2 sets of bones with hits and rolls. Library also features our robust 8-slot FX rack.


Welcome to Red Room Audio’s Traveler Series, an ongoing collection of boutique sample libraries featuring traditional world instruments faithfully recorded on location from destinations around the globe. Traveler Series libraries focus on delivering a genuine purity that can only be captured where the instrument and musical style originated, preserving its true character and history.

We seek out a region’s most skilled and renowned performers; amazing folks with stories and bloodlines who live and breathe traditional provincial music. We leave with an education and appreciation for their culture and the role these beautiful instruments serve (as well as a tale or two of our own). We hope our Traveler Series adds an authentic native spirit to your music.


The bodhran is an Irish frame drum with an open side so one hand can be placed against the inside of the head to control the pitch and timbre. It is struck either with the bare hand or a variety of “tippers” and is said to have been developed as the “poor man’s tambourine” by farmers who couldn’t afford the metal.

Bones are an instrument often used in traditional Irish folk music, as well as Bluegrass and zydeco. It consists of a pair of animal bones or pieces of wood played by holding them between the fingers and moving the wrist in such a way that they knock against each other.

For Bodhrans & Bones we journeyed to Dublin, Ireland to work with Marcin Oracki, owner and drum builder at Mighty Bodhrans. Marcin has been passionately crafting bodhrans, hosting workshops and performing live for two decades. We also had the pleasure of recording at Herbert Place Studios with producer/engineer James Darkin. Our spirited sessions were fueled by coffee, visits to Searsons Pub, and friendly personal insults and were a complete riot.


  • 6 unique Irish bodhrans and 2 sets of bones recorded in Dublin, Ireland by bodhran maker Marcin Oracki.
  • Drums sampled with 5 stick types at multiple zones: center, mid, edge, rim and shell “Frankensampling” approach provides realistic pitch and dampening control and individual transients and sustains.
  • 2 sets of Bones with hits and rolls.
  • 8-slot FX rack.
  • Modern, easy to use, feature-packed GUI.
  • 2.2 GB of content – 20.460 samples (24-Bit/44.1kHz – NCW).


  • Native Instruments Kontakt (full), version 5.8.1 or above.
  • 3 GB disk space.
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended).
  • 2008 or later processor. Your system must also meet the requirements for version 5.8.1 of Native Instruments Kontakt. If you cannot run that version, you will not be able to load this library.


  • Bodhran 1 – 15 ½” x 6” deep light shell with medium weight goat skin.
  • Bodhran 2 – 14” x 6” light composite shell with light weight calf skin.
  • Bodhran 3 – 14” x 5” deep light composite shell with medium weight calf skin.
  • Bodhran 4 – 14” x 5” medium weight birch shell with heavy calf skin.
  • Bodhran 5 – 12” x 5” medium weight birch shell with medium weight goat skin, plus a second layer of goat skin to cut out overtones.
  • Bodhran 6 – 12” x 4” medium weight birch shell with heavy goat skin.
  • Bones, 2 sets (ebony & actual bone).


  • Stick types (Bodhrans).
  • Wood tipper.
  • Hotrod tipper.
  • Loose Brush.
  • Tight Brush.
  • Fingers.

Drum Zones (Bodhrans):

  • Center, Mid, Edge, Rim, Shell.


  • Hits & Rolls.

The Traveler Series Kontakt instruments feature a clean and simple, 1-page GUI with all the controls you need to get the most out of the library, including our robust 8-slot FX rack.


  • Stick type menu.
  • Pitch & Dampen controls.
  • Drum zone display.
  • Microphone & Elements mixer.
  • Ensemble Mode.
  • Velocity curve control.
  • 8-slot FX rack.


  • Volume, Pan and Tune per set.
  • Microphone mixer.
  • Roll Dynamics control.
  • Ensemble Mode.
  • Velocity curve control.
  • 8-slot FX rack.

