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弦乐 – 表现力丰富、柔滑顺畅,当您需要捕捉细腻和内在力量时,弦乐会熠熠生辉。它们在需要为您的作品增添热度时足够强劲,但在有足够空间呼吸且您轻柔控制表现力(CC11)时,它们的表现最好。

多奖获奖的管弦乐收藏 由11次格莱美提名的古典录音工程师 Keith O. Johnson 教授录制的 EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP 交响乐团,曾三次荣获 Sound On Sound 的读者选择奖,并且是第一个在“最先进”音乐厅录制的管弦乐收藏,主要在音乐厅中演奏。录音厅的每一个细节都被精准捕捉,为每一个音符增添了真实感和光彩。您可以在很短的时间和精力下创作出令人信服的管弦乐表演,而自然的环境声效会让人感觉乐器就像在现场演奏一样。

  • 有史以来最畅销和获奖最多的管弦乐收藏
  • 由获奖的声音制作人 Doug Rogers 和 Nick Phoenix 创建,并由格莱美提名的古典录音工程师 Keith O. Johnson 教授录制
  • 智能演奏部分包括连音滑音、重复、连奏和轮播重置
  • 智能释放尾音引擎,自动跟随音符起始的音量
  • 所有乐器都使用近距离、舞台和环绕麦克风采样

完全控制您的管弦乐队 为了实现现场音乐厅表演的感觉,每个乐器和部分都使用三个麦克风位置录制:近距离、舞台(指挥位置)和大厅。通过选择不同的麦克风位置,您可以将这些声音混合在一起,以创建几乎任何所需的深度或定位。这几乎消除了对人工混响的需求,大大减少了您设置环境声效所花的时间。每一个主要的可调节功能都可以通过一个界面进行控制,包括混响、麦克风位置、过滤和部分音量。如果您追求温暖和轻松操控乐器表演的各个方面,Symphonic Orchestra 为您提供了一切所需工具。


  • 18 把小提琴
  • 11 把小提琴
  • 10 把中提琴
  • 10 把大提琴
  • 9 把低音提琴
  • 4 把小提琴
  • 3 把大提琴
  • 小提琴独奏
  • 中提琴独奏
  • 大提琴独奏
  • 低音提琴独奏
  • 竖琴
  • 羽管键琴
  • 大型弦乐合奏

您需要 R2R PLAY/OPUS 版本来使用此库(正如一个女巫所说…)

阅读 DECiBEL 目录中包含的 txt 文件以获取安装说明。


Strings – Expressive, buttery and incredibly smooth, the strings shine when you need to capture delicacy and inner strength. They’re more than potent enough when you need to add some heat to your productions, but they’re at their best when they have room to breathe and you gently ride the expression (CC11).


Recorded by 11-time Grammy nominated classical recording engineer Prof. Keith O. Johnson, the EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA was honored with Sound On Sound’s Reader’s Choice Award an unprecedented 3-times, and the very first orchestral collection to be recorded in a “state of the art” concert hall where orchestras mainly perform. Every detail of the recording hall is captured with incredible precision and detail, adding realism and shimmer to every note. You can create convincing orchestral performances with very little time and effort, and the natural ambience will make it feel as though the instruments are playing back live.

– The best-selling and most awarded orchestral collection ever created

– Created by award-winning sounds producers Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix and recorded by Grammy-nominated classical recording engineer Prof. Keith O. Johnson

– Intelligent Performance section including Portamento, Repetition, Legato, and Round Robin Reset

– Intelligent release trail engine that automatically follows the volume of note-on velocities

– All instruments sampled with close, stage, and surround mics


To achieve the feel of a live concert hall performance, each instrument and section was recorded with three mic positions: close, stage (conductor’s position) and hall. By selecting different mic positions, you can mix these sounds together to create virtually any placement or level of depth desired. This all but eliminates the need for artificial reverb, drastically cutting down on the amount of time you spend getting your ambience settings just right. Every major adjustable feature can be controlled from a single interface, including reverb, mic positions, filtering, and section volume. If you’re looking for warmth and the ability to easily manipulate nearly any aspect of the instruments’ performances to your heart’s content, Symphonic Orchestra gives you every tool you need in one place.

String Instruments Include:

– 18 Violins

– 11 Violins

– 10 Violas

– 10 Cellos

– 9 Double Basses

– 4 Violins

– 3 Cellos

– Solo Violin

– Solo Viola

– Solo Cello

– Solo Contrabass

– Harp

– Harpsichord

– Large String Ensembles

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library (as a witch has said…)

Read the included txt file in the DECiBEL dir for install instructions.

