The viola has an incredible depth of sound, a warm, rich low range and a singing, fragile high range.
We think it gets shortchanged too often, and that’s why we upped the ante with ours!
You get more control, more simplicity, and a breathtaking dynamic range.
True legato programming + true Portamento’s + con Sordino + sul Ponticello + pizzicatos
真正的连奏编程+真正的Portamento的+ con Sordino + sul Ponticello + pizzicatos
Custom, genius Kontakt scripting by Andreas Lemke
自定义,天才的Kontakt脚本由Andreas Lemke编写
nearly 6000 recorded samples
1.38 GB installed (16-bit), 2.1 GB installed (24-bit)
1.38 GB(16位)、2.1 GB(24位)
Fast download from Amazon S3 using CONTINUATA
使用CONTINUATA从Amazon S3快速下载
Sample resolution: 44.1 Khz / 16 or 24 bit stereo
样本分辨率:44.1 Khz / 16或24位立体声
Kontakt 5 Player Compatible, 32/64-bit, MAC/PC compatible
Kontakt 5播放器兼容,32/64位,MAC/PC兼容