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《帝国之声》充满了令人难以忘怀、异国情调且无情激情的声音,使您能够为下一个史诗电影、电视或游戏配乐打造完美的人声表演。该音色库以Uyanga Bold原始、原始的声音为特色,是大规模好莱坞合唱团音色库的理想独奏补充。无论是混合管弦乐、工业、电子舞曲还是其他广泛的音乐类型,她的声音都能为您的音乐赋予独特的品质,只取决于您的冒险精神。


Uyanga Bold是一位独特的音乐人才,她将保加利亚、塞尔维亚、蒙古及其他地区的音乐传统融合在一起。她是一位接受过训练的歌剧演员,拥有完美音高,精通俄语、蒙古语、法语、英语和德语,她的声音是真正的东西方交汇的展示。她的声音超凡脱俗,但在精确度上是世界一流的。她在迪士尼即将上映的《花木兰》翻拍版的配乐中担任配唱,最近还与汉斯·季默一起巡演,现场表演《黑暗骑士》配乐。福布斯杂志称她的声音“让人想起古代文明”,并提名她为“年度最佳女歌手”。她曾在国际电视、广播和现场表演中亮相,跨平台累计观看量超过2500万次。

延音 多种多样的声乐乐器,包括旋律音、滑音、延音颤音、无颤音和上下音。如果您想要独特且原始的声音但不需要许多连贯的音符,延音是您的最佳选择。

连音 除了提供每个音程高达一个八度的真实连音外,Uyanga的表演还录制了两种截然不同的风格:传统和蒙古风格。当您需要尽可能接近现场演出的流畅表演时,这可能是您在此音色库中的首选集合。

组合 这些乐器将多种发音结合成单一乐器,使用调制轮(CC1)或速度敏感度来确定将播放哪种不同的发音。由于调整演奏的简便性和速度,这个集合是现场演奏时实现灵活性的最佳选择。

单词 这29个单词包含跨越2个八度范围的特定单词的非音调表演,非常适合在需要Uyanga的声音特色而没有任何旋律特征时使用。单词包括:Bro、Dee、Dez、Djan、Door、Gor、Greer、HohuaHua、Jee、KahlKo、Kohn、La、Le、Mai、MohJey、Nar、Nosh、Rain、Sha、Som、Stra、StraBeyHe、Stro、Ve、VesLa、Vom、Vos、Vos (Breathy)、Yer。

短语 包含总共254个以西方和非西方风格演唱的短语乐器(每个根音大约21个短语)。这些即兴录音让Uyanga可以尽情发挥,所以虽然它们不总是保持音调一致,但在激情和自发性方面却弥补了这一点。

切换键 将连音、旋律音、短语、延音和单词组合成通过MIDI键控制的单一乐器。当精度和变化重要且愿意进行一些精细调整时,这个集合提供了很大的灵活性。

卓越的录音技术 您可以轻松调整近距(Josephson 257和Neumann U47)、后置(Coles 40-38s)和房间(AKG C24)麦克风的音量和声像,使您能够控制音色和立体声图像。叠加它们以获得更丰满、更丰富的声音,或选择您最喜欢的单一麦克风质量。所有录音均在EastWest Studios进行,这是我们世界著名的录音室,过去7年中获得的格莱美提名比任何其他录音室都多:121次。

  • 多种蒙古、保加利亚和西方风格的多采样声乐乐器
  • 由获奖声音制作人Doug Rogers和Nick Phoenix制作
  • 2个独特的蒙古连音声乐乐器(西方和传统风格)
  • 表现力丰富的元音多采样声乐乐器
  • 29个单词和所有调中的254个传统短语

需要R2R PLAY/OPUS版本才能使用此音色库(如某巫师所言……)



Haunting, exotic, and mercilessly passionate, Voices of the Empire enables you to craft the perfect vocal performance for your next epic film, TV, or game soundtrack. Featuring the raw, primal vocals of Uyanga Bold, it’s the ideal solo complement to the large-scale Hollywood Choirs library. Her voice will give your music a distinctive quality in virtually any genre, whether hybrid orchestral, industrial, EDM and a wide range of others limited only by how adventurous you are.


Uyanga Bold is a unique talent, melding the musical traditions of Bulgaria, Serbia, Mongolia, and beyond. A trained opera singer with perfect pitch, fluent in Russian, Mongolian, French, English, and German, her voice is a true demonstration of East meets West. Her voice is otherworldly, but genuine and world class in its precision. She is featured on the soundtrack of Disney’s upcoming remake of Mulan and recently toured with Hans Zimmer with his live performances of the score from The Dark Knight. Forbes says “her voice harkens back to ancient civilizations,” and she has been nominated as “Female Singer of the Year.” She has appeared internationally on television, radio, and in live performances, reaching over 25 million views across all platforms.


A wide variety of vocal instruments, including Melismas, Slurs, Sustain Vibratos, Non Vibratos and Up Downs. If you want flare and earthiness but don’t need many connected notes, Sustain is your best option.


In addition to providing true legato for every interval up to an octave, Uyanga’s performances are recorded in two distinctly different styles: traditional and Mongolian. When you need a fluid performance that comes as close to live as possible, this will likely be your go-to collection in this library.


These instruments combine multiple articulations into a single instrument that uses the Mod Wheel (CC1) or Velocity Sensitivity to determine which of the different articulations will playback. This collection is the best choice for real time flexibility while playing, due to the simplicity and speed with which you can make performance adjustments.


These 29 words contain nontonal performances of specific words mapped across a 2 octave range, ideal for when you need the character of Uyanga’s voice without any melodic qualities. Bro, Dee, Dez, Djan, Door, Gor, Greer, HohuaHua, Jee, KahlKo, Kohn, La, Le, Mai, MohJey, Nar, Nosh, Rain, Sha, Som, Stra, StraBeyHe, Stro, Ve, VesLa, Vom, Vos, Vos (Breathy), Yer.


Instruments containing a total of 254 phrases sung in western and non-western styles (roughly 21 phrases for each of the 12 root notes). These improvised recordings gave Uyanga the chance to let loose, so while they don’t always stay in key, they more than make up for it in passion and spontaneity.


Combinations of Legatos, Melismas, Phrases, Sustains and Words into single instruments controlled via MIDI keys. When precision and variation are important and you’re happy to make some surgical adjustments, this collection offers a lot of flexibility.


You can easily adjust the volume and pan of Close (Josephson 257 & Neumann U47), Rear (pair of Coles 40-38s) and Room (AKG C24) mics, giving you control over the tone color and stereo image. Layer them for a fuller, richer sound, or select the one whose quality you enjoy the most. All recordings were made at EastWest Studios, our world-famous recording studios known for producing more Grammy nominations than any other studio in the world: 121 in the last 7 years.

– Dozens of Mongolian, Bulgarian and Western-style, multi-sampled vocal instruments

– Created by award-winning sounds producers Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix

– 2 unique Mongolian legato vocal instruments (Western and Traditional)

– Expressive vowel multi-sampled vocal instruments

– 29 Words and 254 traditional phrases across all keys

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library (as a witch has said…)

Read the included txt file in the DECiBEL dir for install instructions.

