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灵魂之声 包含了一系列富有表现力的灵魂多采样人声乐器,每个音调都有数百个表现力十足的短语,以及高度逼真的真实连音过渡。尝试在弦乐线上叠加一个更柔和的设置,或者添加倍增和合唱效果,使C.C.的声音感觉无处不在。因为我们捕捉了她几乎所有可能的声乐表演角度,从充满激情到平静无比,所以很容易将她声音的最具标志性的品质传达给几乎任何环境。通过组合乐器轻松在多种发音之间即时切换,并从严密的人声和声中构建和弦,使用C.C. White美妙的声音为任何歌曲添加灵魂、华彩或柔和的背景质感。


  • 特色歌手C.C. White
  • 由获奖声音制作人Doug Rogers和Nick Phoenix制作
  • 每个音调包含600多个表现力十足的短语
  • 逼真的真实连音过渡
  • 多种独立音节,可随意更改
  • 现已包含在OPUS中,提供单独下载、自定义切换键和数十个MIDI工具和混音效果

使用此音色库需要R2R PLAY/OPUS版本。

Voices of Soul includes a collection of expressive, soulful multi-sampled vocal instruments with hundreds of expressive phrases in every key and highly realistic true legato transitions. Try layering it on your string lines with a softer setting, or even adding doubling and chorus effects to make C.C.’s voice feel omnipresent. And because we captured nearly every possible angle of her vocal performances from impassioned to calming, it’s easy to translate the most iconic qualities of her voice to almost any setting. Effortlessly switch between multiple articulations on the fly with combo instruments and build chords from airtight vocal harmonies, and use the beautiful voice of C.C. White to add soul, flare, or gentle background texture to any song.


Featuring the voice of C.C. White

Created by award-winning sounds producers Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix

600+ expressive phrases in every key

Realistic true legato transitions

Wide variety of individual syllables that can be changed at will

Now included in OPUS, along with individual downloads, custom keyswitches, and dozens of MIDI Tools and Mixer Effects

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library.

