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Quantum Leap – RA – PLAY Edition,是一款终极稀有和民族虚拟乐器,现在提供了 PLAY 的直观自定义界面,能够更好地控制合集中的声音,并且能够加载比以往更多的乐器。
除了 PLAY 的直观自定义界面外,Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition 还包括许多其他功能,例如:
- 64 位* 与 32 位 PC 兼容(*请参阅系统规格)。
- 全内存访问支持 MAC(需要 64 位 MAC)。
- Mac Intel 兼容性。
- 智能性能部分,包括滑音、重复、连奏。
- 具有轮流重置功能。
- 提供改进的发音窗口和控制。
- 最先进的卷积混响与预延迟。
- 改进的微调。
- 使用高分辨率音频引擎提高音质。
- 高保真单极滤波器,实现自然的交叉渐变。
- 现在可以使用通道源编辑立体声图像。
PLAY 版本中的乐器是从原始录音重新编程的。
Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition 为作曲家提供了访问来自非洲、欧洲、印度、美洲和澳大利亚、远东、中东和土耳其帝国的各种稀有和独特乐器的机会。音乐家们会发现 RA 拥有惊人的音质,他们会对每个乐器的发音感到惊叹,这些乐器的范围从受控到富有表现力。合集中的所有乐器和合奏都进行了广泛采样,以保存每个乐器的真实特性和表现力。首次通过 Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition,用户可以更好地控制合集中的声音,并且能够加载比以往更多的乐器。
“对于民族乐器来说,声音的真实性关键在于表现力,”Quantum Leap 制作人 Nick Phoenix 说。“现在,通过我们先进的 PLAY 采样引擎,它内置的感应技术可以监控演奏者的风格并相应地调整软件和声音,用户将体验到市场上其他产品所缺乏的细节层次,使他们的项目充满生动的范围和情感。”
在古埃及,RA 被认为是万物的创造者,太阳神。RA 通常以人的身体和鹰的头部形象出现,手持生命符与权杖。RA 崇拜的主要地点是赫利奥波利斯(希腊语意为太阳之城)。RA 是有史以来最大的、最全面的稀有和民族虚拟乐器的恰当名称。
RA 几年前诞生,作为一个名为“Rare Instruments”的采样库。Rare Instruments 中的所有声音都包含在 RA 中,但这只代表约百分之一的内容。RA 的其他百分之九十在好莱坞的一家顶级录音室录制。由于项目的规模和复杂性,我请来了两位才华横溢的制作人,Pacemaker 和 Tony Austin,与我共同制作 RA。他们参与了一些其他 Quantum Leap 项目,并为 RA 提供了一些很好的创意。我们花时间寻找西海岸最优秀的民族艺术家。洛杉矶的种族多样性和优秀机构(如加州艺术学院)使其成为录制稀有和民族收藏的理想地点。
您会发现 RA 拥有惊人的音质。RA 采用相位准确的 8 麦克风设置捕捉,提供乐器的完整三维图像。这种类型的声音非常适合人工或采样混响。声音清晰而广阔。使用的麦克风包括 Neumann U67(U47 作为备用)、Neuman M50、AKG C12 和 Shoepps。
RA 是一个非常昂贵的项目,但物有所值。我们在选择适合各种作曲家的乐器时花了很多心思,从舞曲到电影配乐。您可能会想在下一个流行歌曲中使用中东弦乐部分,或者在浪漫电影配乐中使用 hardanger 小提琴,类似《指环王》。
您可能还会惊讶于这个巨大的民族收藏中包含的打击乐之少。原因是,我们在 Quantum Leap Stormdrum 中已经涵盖了很多。Stormdrum 是 RA 的理想搭档。RA 中的打击乐与 Stormdrum 完美互补。
您可以在 RA 中找到很多乐趣。尤其是当您将不同文化的声音混合在一起时,可能性简直是无穷无尽的。加载中东弦乐部分,应用微调预设中的印度或埃及调音并演奏八度音。使用 didgeridoo 特效和越南口琴制作一个非常酷的节奏。将经典电影配乐作品中的所有乐器替换为其民族对应物:弦乐用中东弦乐部分替代,独奏小提琴或大提琴用电声男中音小提琴、hardanger 小提琴或二胡替代,圆号用阿尔卑斯号角替代,长笛用笛子替代,双簧管用 duduk 替代,打击乐用太鼓和非洲打击乐替代,竖琴用 kora 替代,长号用 rag dung 替代,等等……或者尝试使用 hurdy gurdy、hardanger 小提琴、Washburn 吉他、曼陀林和笛子组成有趣的民间合奏,或者使用加美兰合奏、ney 长笛、duduk 和 esraj。别忘了混响!
- 非洲双木摇铃(Ewe)
- 非洲金属摇铃(Ewe)
- Atsimevu
- Axatse
- Batas
- Berkete
- Dejembe 合奏
- Ekpiri
- Ewe 鼓合奏
- 大号 Ewe Bombshell
- 中号 Ewe Bombshell
- 3 英尺 FromTonFrom
- 5 英尺 FromTonFrom
- 大号 Gankokwe
- Gyil
- Kalimbas
- Kidi
- Kora
- Log Drums
- Ngoni
- Udu
- 1890 Washburn 吉他
- 美国口琴
- 班卓琴
- Berimbau
- 古巴打击乐
- Didjeridoo
- Dobro
- 第一民族雪松长笛
- 曼陀林
- 排笛
- 尤克里里
- 阿尔卑斯号角
- 风笛合奏
- 低音竖笛
- 车框鼓
- Gadulka
- hardanger 小提琴
- 高地风笛
- Hurdy Gurdy
- 爱尔兰低哨
- Launeddas
- Uilleann 风笛
- 笛子
- 二胡
- 加美兰合奏
- 锣
- 古琴
- Rag Dung
- 尺八
- 三味线
- 太鼓
- 越南口琴
- 笛子
- 电声男中音小提琴
- Esraj
- Sarangi
- 西塔琴
- Tablas
- 坦布拉
- 亚美尼亚 Duduk
- 保加利亚 Duduk
- 中东小提琴
- 中东弦乐部分
- Ney 长笛
- 乌德琴
- Qandahar Dumbek
- Santoor
- 土耳其
- Duduk
- Yalli
- Tambur
- Zourna
Quantum Leap – RA – PLAY Edition, THE DEFINITIVE RARE AND ETHNIC VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT, now available with PLAY’s intuitive custom interface with more control over the sounds offered in the collection along with the ability to load even more instruments than ever before.
In addition to PLAY’s intuitive custom interface, Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition includes many other features, such as:
64-bit* with 32-bit compatibility for PC (*see system specifications).
Full memory access with MAC (requires 64-bit MAC).
Mac Intel compatibility.
Intelligent performance section including portamento, repetition, legato.
Features round robin reset.
Offers improved articulation window and controls.
State-of-the-art convolution reverb with pre-delay.
Improved micro-tuning.
Improved sound quality with high-resolution audio engine.
Hi-fidelity one pole filter for natural cross-fades.
Stereo image editing is now possible using channel sourcing.
The instruments featured in the PLAY Editions are newly-programmed for PLAY from the original recordings.
Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition provides composers with access to a variety of rare and unique instruments from Africa, Europe, India, the Americas and Australia, the Far East, and the Middle East and Turkish Empires. Musicians will find that RA has an amazing sound quality and they’ll marvel at the articulation of each instrument which has a wide range that goes from controlled to expressive. All of the instruments and ensembles featured in the collection were sampled extensively as a means of preserving the true character and expression of each instrument. For the first time with the Quantum Leap RA – PLAY Edition, users will have more control over the sounds offered in the collection along with the ability to load even more instruments than ever before
“With ethnic instruments, the key to authenticity of sound is expression,” says Quantum Leap Producer Nick Phoenix. “Now with the incorporation of our advanced PLAY sample engine, with its built-in sensing technology that monitors a player’s style and adjusts the software and sounds accordingly, users will experience a level of detail that was lacking in other products in the market, making their projects come to life with range and emotion.”
In ancient Egypt, RA was regarded as the creator of everything, the god of the sun. RA is usually represented with the body of a man and the head of a hawk, holding an ankh & sceptre. The chief location of RA worship was Heliopolis (a Greek word meaning city of the sun). RA is an appropriate name for the largest, and most comprehensive rare and ethnic virtual instrument ever made.
RA was born a few years ago, as a sample library called “Rare Instruments.” All of the sounds from Rare Instruments are included in RA, but this only represents approximately one-tenth of the content. The other ninety percent of RA was recorded at a top studio in Hollywood. Because of the size and complexity of the project, I brought in two talented producers, Pacemaker and Tony Austin to co-produce RA with me. They have worked on some other Quantum Leap projects and had some great ideas for RA. We spent time hunting down the best ethnic artists on the West Coast. Los Angeles is so ethnically diverse and blessed with excellent institutions like Cal Arts, it is actually the ideal place to record a rare and ethnic collection.
You will find RA has amazing sound quality. RA was captured with a phase accurate 8-mic setup that gives a complete 3 dimensional image of the instrument. It is this type of sound that takes to artificial or sampled reverb extremely well. The sound is clear and broad. Mics used were Neumann U67 (U47s as alternates), Neuman M50, AKG C12 and Shoepps.
Another cool aspect of this virtual instrument is the fact that we recorded ethnic ensembles. This was done with African drums, bagpipes, gamelan and a Middle Eastern string section. The sound of these ensembles cannot be realistically simulated by layering solo instruments.
RA was a very expensive project, but well worth the cost. A lot of thought went into selecting instruments that would appeal to composers of all types, from dance music, to film. You might want to put the middle eastern string section in your next pop tune, or the hardanger fiddle in a sweeping romantic score ala LOTR.
You might also be surprised at how little percussion is included in this giant ethnic collection. The reason is, we already covered much of this in Quantum Leap Stormdrum. Stormdrum is the ideal companion to RA. The percussion in RA compliments Stormdrum perfectly.
You can have a lot of fun with RA. The possibilities are simply endless, especially when you mix the sounds of different cultures together. Load up the middle eastern string section, apply an Indian or Egyptian tuning from the micro-tuning presets and play octaves. Make a really cool groove with the didgeridoo fx and the Vietnamese jaw harp. Take a classical filmscore piece and replace all of the instruments with their ethnic counterparts: strings with middle eastern string section, solo violin or cello with electric baritone violin, hardanger fiddle or erhu, french horn with alpenhorn, flute with dizi, oboe with duduk, percussion with taikos and African percussion, harp with kora, trombones with rag dung etc. etc…. Or perhaps try the hurdy gurdy, hardanger fiddle, washburn guitar, mandolin and the dizi and make an interesting folk ensemble or the gamelan ensemble with the ney flute, duduk and esraj. And don’t forget the reverb!
NICK PHOENIX – Producer.
African Dual Wooden Shakers (Ewe)
African Metal Shakers (Ewe)
Dejembe Ensemble
Ewe Drum Ensemble
Ewe Large
Ewe Medium Bombshell
3ft FromTonFrom
5ft FromTonFrom
Gankokwe Large
Log Drums
Americas and Australia:
1890 Washburn Guitar
American Jaw Harp
Cuban Percussion
First Nations Cedar Flute
Pan Flute
Bag Pipe Ensemble
Bass Recorder
Frame Drum
Hardanger Fiddle
Highland Pipes
Hurdy Gurdy
Irish Low Whistle
Uilleann Pipes
Far East:
Gamelan Ensemble
Rag Dung
Taiko Drums
Vietnamese Jawharp
Baritone Violin (Electric)
Middle East and Turkish Empire:
Armenian Duduk
Bulgarian Duduk
Mid East Fiddle
Mid East String Section
Ney Flute
Qandahar Dumbek