Retro Organ Suite 以一种非常原始和个性化的方式呈现了电子管风琴近 100 年来的声音。最早可追溯到 20 世纪初,一小批专业制造商设计并生产了这些优雅的乐器,作为教堂和社会精英家中风力管风琴的低成本替代品。后来,管风琴在爵士乐团中占据了一席之地,并在 20 世纪中叶的许多现代音乐流派中广为流行。

到 20 世纪 70 年代末,由于技术的飞速发展和人们品味的提高,管风琴的受欢迎程度和商业影响力急剧下降。从那时起,人们开始以数字形式对这些乐器进行仿制,但它们的有形之美、木质外壳和新式扩音器所发出的原始机械音效已在很大程度上消失殆尽,被定格在古老的商业录音中。

V1.5 中的新功能
– Yammy C10,一款基于 20 世纪 70 年代全面修复并重新焕发活力的全新组合风琴

– 最新一代独立插件对旋转效果进行了改进,使整个系列受益匪浅


通过 Retro Organ Suite,我们旨在以毫不妥协的方式呈现和保留这一传统的原始音效和威严,提供 7 款独特的乐器,展示我们认为最好中的最好。从出厂规格的修复乐器开始,我们采集了全面的样本集,确保准确记录每种乐器的音色范围和自然音质特征。我们通过原装扬声器、旋转扬声器箱体、颤音、打击乐器、D.I.盒以及各种复古吉他放大器进行录音。使用了顶级麦克风和备受赞誉的前置放大器,并特别选择了处理器,以提供最高程度的清晰度和保真度。这个巨大的样本库除了忠实地保留了多年前使用的典型录音设置外,还提供了大量的音色选择。

在 UVI Engine™ 中利用这些样本库创建的混合乐器,既能为您提供原始硬件的自然和未经处理的声音,又能为您提供现代数字工作站的先进声音设计设施。声音可以从微妙到极致的效果进行定制;塑造你的完美管风琴,用 60 年代的意大利组合创造出震撼的复古主音,或用 50 年代的 Hammond 制作出沉闷的垫子。提供的大量样本既可作为终点,也可作为起点。Retro Organ Suite 1.5 版引入了我们最新一代的旋转效果器,其 DSP 专为完美匹配复古设备的特性而定制。

使用 Falcon 或 UVI 工作站,你可以轻松扩展和提升你的管风琴体验。您可以随心所欲地设置乐器和踏板,并对每种乐器的音调范围进行专门定制。例如,您还可以将上层键盘设置为演奏 Super VX 独奏,下层键盘设置为 Hammer B,然后用踏板扫入 GT2500 的声音。配置简单直观,所有控制都支持 MIDI 学习。

Retro Organ Suite 以优美的细节充分体现了这些乐器的原始灵魂,并为它们提供了一个迈向 21 世纪的平台。

国王 B 手风琴

Hammer B 可以说是有史以来最著名的音轮管风琴和旋转式扬声器箱体,它是使用 50 年代的 Hammond B3 和 Leslie 旋转式扬声器制作而成。该乐器使用简单直观,双层设计可在快慢 Leslie 设置之间切换。从踏板音色到原始音色的自然保留,都传递出温暖的音调和丰富的历史感。


这款乐器以 1979 年的 KORG CX-3 为基础,提供了真正的拉杆控制和体验。EX III 利用了 UVI Engine™ 的多项先进技术,包括全新的高质量旋转箱体模拟和波形振荡器。大量现成可用的预置、极快的加载时间以及深度编辑功能,共同构成了一款功能多样、易于使用的乐器。

超级 VX 经典

超级 VX 采用原始的 20 世纪 60 年代 Vox Continental(一款基于晶体管的组合风琴)制作,提供了最具音乐性和趣味性的拉杆组合选择。作为一种广泛使用的型号,这里可以找到许多熟悉的音色。使用广泛的编辑和特效部分,可以轻松唤起怀旧时刻,或将空灵的音调推向未来。

怀旧的 Retrocorda

Retrocorda 以最小的电子管风琴之一为基础,使用经典的 20 世纪 60 年代飞利浦 Philicorda 制作。所使用的特殊型号是电子管式的,能产生一种相对温暖、平滑的声音,我们认为这种声音特别引人注目。录音的清晰度和明显的复古音色一目了然。

GT2500 怪兽

GT2500 与 Eminent Grand Theater 2500 配合使用,涵盖了大量音域,从经典的弦乐(如笛子),到抒情的抒情歌曲(如抒情的抒情歌曲),再到抒情的抒情歌曲。

Retro Organ Suite delivers in a very raw and personal way the sounds that define a near 100 year legacy of electronic organ instruments. Dating back to the early 1900s, a small and specialized group of manufacturers first designed and produced these elegant instruments as low-cost alternatives to wind-driven pipe organs for houses of worship and homes of the social elite. Later finding place in jazz ensembles, organs gained popularity in many genres of contemporary music through the mid 20th century.

By the late ’70s, due to the rapid pace of technological advancement and tastes, their popularity and commercial presence saw extraordinary decline. Since that time these instruments have seen some emulation in digital form, but their tangible beauty, the sounds of their raw mechanisms clad in wood and novel amplifiers have largely vanished, frozen in time on commercial recordings of old.

What’s new in V1.5

– Yammy C10, a new combo organ based on a fully-restored and reinvigorated 1970’s machine

– Rotary effect improvements from the latest generation of our standalone plugin benefitting the entire collection


With Retro Organ Suite we aim to both present and preserve the original sound and majesty of this legacy in an uncompromising way, delivering 7 unique instruments that showcase what we feel are the best of best. Starting with factory-spec restored instruments we captured comprehensive sample sets, making sure to accurately document each instruments tonal range and natural sonic character. Recordings were made through the original speakers, rotary speaker cabinet, with vibrato, percussion, through D.I. boxes and through an assortment of vintage guitar amps. Top-grade microphones were used with well regarded preamps, along with a special selection of processors to provide the greatest degree of clarity and fidelity. This tremendous sample base allows for a huge variety of tonal options in addition to a faithful preservation of typical recording setups used in years past.

Leveraging these libraries within the UVI Engine™ hybrid instruments are created, providing you with both the natural and untreated sounds of the original hardware and the advanced sound design facility of a modern digital workstation. Sounds can be customized from subtle to extreme effect; shape your perfect organ, create a crushing vintage lead from a ’60s Italian combo, or build a brooding pad from a ’50s Hammond. The huge variety of samples presented can serve as both destination or starting point. Retro Organ Suite version 1.5 introduces the latest generation of our Rotary effect, with DSP tailor-made to perfectly match the characteristics of a vintage unit.

Using Falcon or UVI Workstation you can easily extend and elevate your organ experience. Instance as many instruments and pedals as you like and customize the key ranges of each instrument specifically. You can also, for example, set your upper keyboard to play a Super VX solo and your lower keyboard a Hammer B, then sweep in a sound from the GT2500 with a pedal. Configuration is simple and intuitive, and all controls support MIDI-learn.

Retro Organ Suite fully realizes the original soul of these instruments in beautiful detail, and provides a platform for them to move forward into the 21st century.



Arguably the most famous tone wheel organ and rotary speaker cabinet ever produced, Hammer B was created with a vintage 1950s Hammond B3 and Leslie rotary speaker. The instrument is easy and intuitive to use with dual-layers providing motion between fast and slow Leslie settings. A natural preservation of the original, down to the pedal sounds, conveys a warm tonality and rich sense of history.

EX III The Flexible

Based on a 1979 KORG CX-3, this instrument provides the control and experience of real drawbars. EX III leverages several advancements to the UVI Engine™ including our new high-quality rotary cabinet emulation and wavetable oscillator. Tons of ready-to-use presets, extremely fast loading times, and deep editing capabilities combine to make a versatile and hard working instrument.

Super VX The Classic

Created with a pristine 1960s Vox Continental, a transistor-based combo organ, Super VX offers a choice selection of the most musical and interesting drawbar combinations. A widely used model, many familiar sounds will be found here. Easily invoke moments of nostalgia or thrust the airy tones into the future using the extensive Edit and FX sections.

Retrocorda The Nostalgic

Based on one of the smallest electric organs, Retrocorda was created with a classic 1960’s Philips Philicorda. The particular model used was tube-based, creating a relatively warm and smooth sound that we find particularly compelling. Clarity of the recordings is immediately visible as is a distinctly vintage tonality.

GT2500 The Monster

Created with the Eminent Grand Theater 2500, our GT2500 covers a huge range of sonic territory, from classic strings (an ancestor of the Solina string machines) to big organ stacks, percussions and more. GT2500 represents the first appearance of these sounds in software form. Additional recordings were made through onboard effects such as the spacy ‘Orbital’.

Combo K The Common

A combo instrument in itself, Combo K represents 5 combo organs (the Farfisa Compact Duo, Combo Compact, the Elka Classic, the Phillips AG7500 and the Hammond M100), representing the more affordable options of their time. We find that many cool and unique sounds can be found in unexpected places and Combo K is no exception. A diverse and irresistible selection of sounds that can be exhaustively customized.

Yammy C10 The Blue Challenger

Based on a fully-restored 1970s factory blue Yamaha YC10 combo organ. Yammy C10 delivers the authentic, charactered sound of this iconic stage keyboard including nearly every possible hardware configuration of the original. Deeply-sampled, full of subtle imperfections and tremendous when running through the Rotary effect, Yammy C10 is an expressive and organic sounding instrument.

