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Sporting a bold and blocky design the Rhodes Chroma is a 16-voice analog synthesizer from 1982.
Rhodes Chroma是一款1982年的16声模拟合成器,大胆而厚实的设计。

One of the first microprocessor-based analog synths it was also the last keyboard designed by ARP, makers of the 2600 and Odyssey among others, before being sold to CBS in 1981.

The Chroma could be used as either a 1-osc/16-voice or 2-osc/8-voice synthesizer and was programmed primarily via a large array of membrane buttons (’80s in every sense).

While programming wasn’t convenient, the design was fairly sophisticated with a rich sound, never harsh – perfect for bass, strings, funky piano sounds and plucks.

Following the Chroma was the Polaris, a 6-voice analog synth released in 1984.

While being simplified in some ways the Polaris has more memory and an extensive MIDI implementation with full parameter control and can play multiple patches at once.

Like the Chroma, Polaris has a fat analog sound capable of incredible bass, brass, strings and more – even some Synthex/Rendez-vous’esque sounds thanks to its sync parameter.

We seldom see these synths anymore but their sounds are eminently worthy, and still exceptionally potent – full of the rich analog warmth and character you’d expect from an ARP.

Kroma 1.5 includes two instruments, Kroma and PolarX – a new dual-layer synth.
Kroma 1.5包括两个仪器,Kroma和PolarX -一个新的双层合成器。

Both come packed with custom designed presets programmed on fully-restored hardware units, including Arpeggios, Bass, Bells, Brass, FX, Leads, Pads, Strings, Sweeps.
两者都包装了定制设计的预设程序完全恢复硬件单位,包括琶音,低音,铃声,黄铜,FX, Leads, Pads, Strings, sweep。

Even the basic waveforms of the keyboards were sampled to allow design of new patches.

Take complete control of these classics with a built-in arpeggiator, step sequencer, LFOs and high-quality FX.

