We’ve combined the most common bass playing techniques–fingered, muted fingered, picked, muted picked, and slapped articulations–into a detailed, easy-to-use solution for virtual bass.

We sampled the five-string bass all the way down to its low B string, giving you plenty of room in the low notes.

The bass was sampled directly from its output jack (DI), giving you the freedom of applying your own EQ, compressor, and other effects.

Even completely dry, the bass has a full, deep tone, and easily fits right into any mix.

Cherry Electric Bass has over 2.5 GB of samples (compressed via Kontakt’s lossless NCW compression to 1.4 GB), powered by extensive scripting to maximize these samples, not only making the sample library ultra-realistic, but very playable and easy to sequence with.
Cherry Electric Bass有超过2.5 GB的样本(通过Kontakt的无损NCW压缩到1.4 GB),由广泛的脚本支持,以最大化这些样本,不仅使样本库超现实,但非常可玩和易于排序。

Whether you’re sequencing the bass track note by note or performing it live from a MIDI keyboard, the combination of high quality samples and extensive scripting makes your bass track sound like a live bassist.

Key Features:

– Over 2.5 GB of 24-bit samples (compressed to 1.4 GB using Kontakt’s lossless NCW compression)
-超过2.5 GB的24位样本(使用Kontakt的无损NCW压缩到1.4 GB)

– Sampled down to a low B

– Up to 8x round-robin

– Automatic hammer-on, pull-off, slide up, slide down legato articulations

– Customizable mapping system that allows you to map the articulations by velocity, controller, keyswitch, or whichever method you prefer

– Lots of effects, such as slides, muted notes, fret noises, string slaps, and much more


Due to the extensive scripting, this sample library is available in KONTAKT 4 / 5 format only.
由于大量的脚本编写,这个示例库只能以KONTAKT 4 / 5格式提供。

The sample library requires the full retail version of KONTAKT 4 / 5, so it is not compatible with the free KONTAKT Player.
示例库需要完整的KONTAKT 4 / 5零售版本,因此它不兼容免费的KONTAKT播放器。

