An incredible tool for creating amazingly beautiful, eerie and complex soundscapes
Impromptu Textural Percussions is a unique and experimental Kontakt 6 instrument featuring 30 individual instruments and over 5GB of samples (uncompressed).
即兴纹理打击是一个独特的和实验性的Kontakt 6仪器具有30个单独的仪器和超过5GB的样品(未压缩)。
It is dedicated to the creation of amazingly beautiful, eerie and complex soundscapes using only percussion instruments recorded by percussionist extraordinaire Hugh Wilkinson.
ITP is a fantastic tool for improvisation and serendipity and will be a great addition to your acoustic arsenal.
In addition to this, a number of sound design patches using different percussions as source material are also provided.
These all have an incredible organic quality.
The centrepiece of ITP is the Impromptu Engine;
a system that combines loops of improvised, un-synced snippets with a granular synthesizer to create unique and unusual sounds and atmospheres.
We recorded 3x round robins in three different intensity layers that you can crossfade between using the central control.
Playing a note with the mod-wheel completely down will trigger a sparse improvised loop on that pitch;
start moving the mod-wheel up to gradually crossfade to the medium and finally, to the dense layer.
As well as the Impromptu patches for Glockenspiel, Vibraphone and Crotales we have also created bonus Impromptu patches for cymbals (Chinese, 17” and 18”) and snare drum (played both with brushes and sticks): they are more experimental in nature and perhaps not as immediate to use but can lead to rather interesting sounds.
Crotales, cymbals, glockenspiel, vibraphone and waterphone are also available as bowed instruments.
These patches are great for creating beautiful, ethereal atmospheres.
We have also included 82 Snapshots which will help speed up your workflow and also give you a starting point to create your own incredible textures.
The instruments featured are:
– Glockenspiel
– Vibraphone
– Crotales
– 3 different cymbals (Chinese, 17” and 18”)
– 3种不同的铙钹(中文、17”和18”)
– Waterphone
– Snare Drum
– Tambourine