Welcome to Misfit – an unusual collection of 15 deep-sampled instruments – following the musical tradition of flicks like Breaking Bad, Dexter, There Will Be Blood, The Master or them fine video games like Left4Dead etc.
欢迎来到Misfit -一个不寻常的15个深度采样乐器的集合-沿袭了像《绝命毒师》,《嗜血法医》,《大师》或者像《求生之路》这样的优秀电子游戏的音乐传统。
Stripping the best equipment, the state of the art studios, the best and most expensive instruments, the best musicians, only the soul is left, and that is exactly what we wanted to explore – A human, urban and unique product.
The Misfit Harmonicas are a deep-sampled collection of raw, gritty, human harmonica.
Misfit Harmonicas是一个原始的,粗糙的,人类口琴的深度采样集合。
We recorded different harmonicas (same brand) to cover the largest octave range possible and went pretty damn deep on the articulations.
So whether you want to bend up, bend down, go into vibrato or trills or maybe just go olskool go chugga-chugga on staccato its all there.
We also recorded the harmonicas with two microphones (dynamic and close), so you can dial in the right grit.
Everything is raw, real and there is over 8.700 samples of pure harmonious harmonica.
Our idea was to approach the roots of modern music, a raw and gritty touch with an aroma of the authentic old-style blues.
We have included our 3.0 Chaos FX Engine, so out of the box, not only do you own a unique product, but also a product packed with effects that will give you unlimited possibilities to get the sound you’re looking for.
We hope you enjoy playing with this product as much as we enjoyed creating it for you (and ourselves!) : o )))
A unique experience
The Misfit Harmonica is another dimension of sampling.
We seeked out to capture a nice set of Blues harmonica in a raw and authentic way.
It wasn’t about trying to do a maschine perfect replication of the harmonica, but rather embrace the human imperfection and really get that true growl, grit and gore (how come so many G-based words are nasty?) of the harmonica.
In other words we sampled it the Misfit way and with over 8.000 samples you get a wide variation in the sound – never sound like a machine, but rather like a breathing human being!
Chaos FX 3.0
混乱FX 3.0
We also wanted to make life a little more fun for you, so we added our Chaos 3.0 FX system to the Misfit collection.
我们也想让你的生活更有趣,所以我们添加了我们的混沌3.0 FX系统到Misfit集合。
First of all it means you have access to a variety of new FX types, including a highly sophisticated arpeggiator that allows you to arp in the craziest ways, dual stereo delay and two different types of custom convolution reverbs.
We’ve included our Transform Convolution, which holds a large selection of sound design impulses and our more traditional Reverb, which contains a large selection of custom hall and church based impulses.
我们已经包括了Transform Convolution,它包含大量选择的声音设计脉冲和我们更传统的混响,它包含大量选择的定制大厅和基于教堂的脉冲。
We also added elements like EQ, Bitcrusher, Distortion and many other deliciousnesses.
我们还添加了EQ, Bitcrusher,失真和许多其他美味的元素。
Heellp MEEEe!
Heellp MEEEe !
The Misfit sample collection is not exactly your standard sample experience.
In fact its not even close.
However to make it all easy as pie – we added a “HELPPP!
” button on the front of all the user-inferfaces.
If you click it the user interface will explain all the features and how they work.
Its kinda neat – now that we are venturing into new and unexplored worlds of sounds.
So yeah – there you have it!
Whether you want a little true gelato action or molto expresso vibrato – you can easily find it all by clicking the help button or if you are oldschool refer to the boring documentation we’ve added.
无论你是想要一点真正的冰淇淋动作还是molto expresso vibrato -你都可以很容易地通过点击帮助按钮找到它,或者如果你是老派的,请参考我们添加的无聊的文档。
But who reads documents anymore!
Hell sugga!
地狱sugga !
Its impressive you even made it this far!
We commend you!
Deep-Sampled Harmonica(s)
8.732 Samples / 2 Mic Positions
8.732个样品/ 2个麦克风位置
Deep-Sampled Blues Harmonicas
Round Robin (HA/TA/KA) sampled
Real Note Bend Up/Down Articulations
Real Trills (Half/Whole Tone)
2 Types of True Vibrato (Slow/Fast)
Staccato Chugga-Chugga
Chaos FX 3.0 New Arp & Dual Convolution Reverb
混沌FX 3.0新Arp和双卷积混响
Full Retail version of Kontakt 5.5 or later required
需要完整零售版的Kontakt 5.5或更高版本