The New Epic Taiko Ensemble is the most comprehensive and deep-sampled collection of large-scale Epic Taiko Ensembles on the market.
The library is a completely remastered, redesigned and reprogrammed edition of our original Epic Taiko Ensemble.
The New Epic Taiko Ensemble contains over 2.900 samples, two microphone positions, built-in articulation browser, internal step-sequencer, front-face FX, textural convolutions and our newest 3.4 Chaos Engine.
新史诗Taiko Ensemble包含超过2.900个样本,两个麦克风位置,内置清晰度浏览器,内部步进音序器,正面FX,纹理卷积和我们最新的3.4混沌引擎。
The New Epic Taiko Ensemble features the highly renowned Taiko Ensemble group: Emeryville Taiko lead by master, Susan Horn.
新史诗Taiko Ensemble的特点是非常著名的Taiko Ensemble group: Emeryville Taiko由大师苏珊霍恩领导。
The recordings lasted over a week, which allowed us to capture an unprecedented amount of content.
Epic Taiko Ensemble contains four main categories of samples: Multi-sampled Taiko Ensemble (10 round robin for all articulations), Live Loops of the Taiko Ensemble and an assortment of other sounds associated to Taiko (ex. ensemble screams, yells, yell-hits, percussive cannon (Tekkan) and presets.
《Epic Taiko Ensemble》包含4种主要的样本类别:多样本Taiko Ensemble(10轮robin for all articulations), Taiko Ensemble的Live Loops和Taiko相关的其他各种声音(例如Ensemble尖叫声,大喊,大喊,打击炮(Tekkan)和预设)。
Epic Taiko Ensemble follows the same principles established in our other epic percussion libraries in terms of articulations, velocity layering and round robin.
Articulations have up to 8 velocity layers and all sampled at 10 round robin (aka repetitions).
We sampled all the classic Taiko drums from the big sounding, O-Daiko, Nagado Daiko to the smaller and more snare like, Shime.
我们尝试了所有的经典Taiko鼓,从大的声音,O-Daiko, Nagado Daiko到更小的,更有陷阱的,如Shime。
In addition we also played the drums with hands and alternative stick types – and we got the most comprehensive collection of clacks made with different type of sticks and by hitting the rims of the larger Taiko drums.
In addition we also recorded a comprehensive amount of ensemble loops with the Taiko Ensemble.
The loops were recorded at 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 and 140 BPM.
循环记录在80、90、100、110、120、130和140 BPM。
The loops are intended to be used as stand-alone and/or in combination with the multi-samples.
The loops contain both classic Taiko style rhythms and more contemporary rhythms for film scoring etc.
The library was recorded in the same signature hall used for our Solo Taiko Drum and Epic Frame Drums.
We highly recommend purchasing both Epic Taiko Ensemble and Solo Taiko Drum, since they use the same drums, microphone perspectives and gives you the necessary depth to create completely realistic Taiko performances.
我们强烈建议购买Epic Taiko Ensemble和Solo Taiko Drum,因为它们使用相同的鼓,麦克风视角,并给你必要的深度来创建完全真实的Taiko表演。
The two libraries were recorded in the same Cathedral environment.
Solo Taiko Drums contains over 4.200 samples – coverering the entire Taiko family from Daiko’s to Shime’s – with over 60 different articulations.
Solo Taiko Drums包含超过4200个样本,涵盖了整个Taiko家族,从大子到Shime,有超过60种不同的发音。