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介绍我们最畅销的阿尔比恩系列的下一个篇章: 阿尔比恩 NEO。这个现代电影系列的核心是一个室内规模的管弦乐队,其弦乐声部极具亲和力,所有声部均采用分音,具有令人难以置信的清晰度和表现力–所有这些都是在 AIR 工作室大厅的美妙共鸣中捕捉到的。

这些有机录音被带到新的维度,创造出一系列百科全书式的混合合成器、灵感循环和纹理,包括 300 多种精心策划的预置,将您的乐谱带入新的十年,所有这些都在一个即时可播放的软件包中。Albion ONE 适用于大片,而 NEO 则灵活适用于各种类型,旨在激励新一波具有前瞻性思维的作曲家、艺术家和制作人,为电视、电影和其他领域创造更贴近、更富有情感的混合音效。

NEO 乐团 :
阿尔比恩 NEO 的核心是 NEO Orchestra。与我们所有的阿尔比恩音色库一样,该音色库设计为可立即演奏且易于使用,每个部分的所有乐器都分布在键盘上。它由获奖管弦乐演奏家 Ben Foskett 和 Spitfire Audio 公司的 Harry Wilson 精心制作,并由著名工程师 Jake Jackson 在伦敦 AIR Studios 世界著名的大厅中录制成磁带,收录了 36 位世界级一流录音师演奏的 54 种经典和非传统衔接乐器的精彩表演。五种麦克风位置和两种特别设计的混音可供选择,每场演出的情感都被捕捉到了极致细节。

弦乐分为 A(12)和 B(11)两个分部,旨在相互补充,并在一起演奏时创造出有趣的组合。您可以发现长号和短号,以及更多非传统的、令人向往的长海鸥、长五度下弯/上弯和冰冷的 Col Legno Tratto。我们为您提供了 7 位铜管乐器演奏者,他们演奏的曲目包括《Detuned》、《Long Pulses》和《Rebblows》,以及 6 位木管乐器演奏者,他们演奏的曲目非常柔和,听起来就像在吹口琴,包括《Long Octaves》、《Long Swells》和《Short Marcatos》。我们还为所有乐器提供了预先编排好的 “连奏法”(Legato)补丁,这些补丁是全频段录制的,便于即时演奏。

36 人管弦乐队在伦敦 AIR 录音室录制成磁带

弦乐、铜管和木管乐器合奏的 54 种多动态管弦乐衔接效果


使用无价的阀门和带状话筒,通过 2″ Studer 磁带以 96k 数字格式录音




23 弦乐(二重奏):
乐队 A – 12 (3, 2, 2, 3, 2)

乐队 B – 11 (3, 2, 2, 3, 1)

6 支木管乐器
长笛 1 – 双中音

长笛 2 – 双低音

降 B 调单簧管 – 双低音


萨克斯 1 – 中音双低音

萨克斯 2 – 次中音双低音

7 铜管乐
2 圆号

2 小号

2 上低音号

1 低音长号

作为铜管乐器的补充,我们还为您提供了在 AIR 音乐厅录制的谐谑曲,该曲目有两种音栓组合,非常优美。在我们的 Mercury Synth 引擎中呈现的扭曲内容文件夹,可让您将这一经典乐器带入新的境界。

Introducing the next chapter in our bestselling Albion series: Albion NEO. At the heart of this modern cinematic collection is a chamber-sized orchestra with a super intimate string section, split by divisi across all articulations for incredible definition and expression – all captured in the beautiful resonance of The Hall at AIR Studios.

These organic recordings have been taken to new dimensions to create an encyclopaedic range of hybrid synths, inspiring loops and textures, including over 300 curated presets to take your scores into the new decade, all in one instantly playable package. Where Albion ONE was for blockbusters, NEO is flexible across genres, designed to inspire a new wave of forward-thinking composers, artists and producers looking to create a closer, more emotive, hybrid sound – for TV, films and beyond.

The NEO Orchestra :

At the heart of Albion NEO is the NEO Orchestra. Like all of our Albion libraries, it is designed to be instantly playable and easy to use, with all instruments in each section spread across the keyboard. Capturing stunning performances from a group of 36 world-class first-call session musicians playing 54 classic and unconventional articulations, it has been carefully crafted by award-winning orchestrator Ben Foskett and Spitfire Audio’s Harry Wilson, and recorded to tape by renowned engineer Jake Jackson in the world-famous Hall at AIR Studios, London. The emotion of each performance has been captured in intense detail, with five microphone positions and two specially curated mixes to choose from.

The Strings are split into two divisi sections, A (12) & B (11) – designed to complement each other and creating interesting combinations when played together. Discover both Longs and Shorts, plus the more unconventional, yearning Long Seagulls, Long 5th Bend Down/Up, and the icy Col Legno Tratto. We give you seven brass players, featuring Detuned, Long Pulses and Reblows, and 6 woodwind players, so soft that they sound like a breathy harmonium, featuring Long Octaves, Long Swells and Short Marcatos. We have also included pre-orchestrated Legato patches for all instruments, recorded full-band for instant playing ease.

36 piece orchestra recorded to tape at AIR Studios, London

54 multi-dynamic orchestral articulations split across Strings, Brass and Woodwind ensembles

Multi-mic control with Close, Close Ribbon, Tree, Ambient & Outriggers

Recorded digitally at 96k via 2″ Studer tape, using priceless valve and ribbon mics

Multi-mic control with Close, Close Ribbon, Tree, Ambient & Outriggers

Single patch, for easy playability

Two specially curated mixes

23 Strings (Divisi):

Band A – 12 (3, 2, 2, 3, 2)

Band B – 11 (3, 2, 2, 3, 1)

6 Woodwinds:

Flute 1 – dbl Alto

Flute 2 – dbl Bass

Clarinet in Bb – dbl Bass

Bass Clarinet

Sax 1 – Alto dbl Baritone

Sax 2 – Tenor dbl Bass

7 Brass:

2 Horn

2 Flugelhorn

2 Euphonium

1 Bass Trombone

Complementing the brass, we also give you a Harmonium, beautifully recorded in the Hall at AIR with two combinations of stops. The warped content folder, presented in our Mercury Synth engine, invites you to take this classic instrument to new dimensions.

