Created by the TV and video game composers from Heavy Melody Music & Sound Design, Evolve is a virtual instrument powered by Native Instruments’ Kontakt 2 Player.
Evolve是由Heavy Melody Music & Sound Design的电视和电子游戏作曲家创造的一款虚拟乐器,由Native Instruments的Kontakt 2 Player提供支持。
With an emphasis on the dramatic, it is geared toward film and game audio, as well as artist production and live performance.
Sonically, Evolve doesn’t just contain the typical sounds that form the foundation of most composers’ setups.
Instead, it accentuates them with a powerful combination of diverse percussion, massive stings/transitions and evocative tonalities in ways that have “never been heard before”.
Evolve’s signature collection features:
* 600+ beat-sliced loops strategically key-mapped into 7 genre-specific suites.
* 600+节奏切片循环策略性按键映射成7种特定类型的套件。
* 60 sequenced and arpeggiated percussive and tonal instruments.
* 60个顺序和琶音打击乐器和音调。
* 75+ modern percussion kits and instruments.
* 45+ sting and transitional instruments.
* 45+刺和过渡乐器。
* 250+ tonal instruments and FX.
* 250+音调乐器和FX。
* 3 custom scripted interfaces.
* 3个自定义脚本接口。
* Nearly 6 gigabytes containing 3,900+ 24/16 bit samples.
*近6gb包含3900 + 24/16位样本。
* Powerful user control features.
* Intuitive key-mapping systems.
* Enhanced creativity and productivity.