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Our English Horn Virtuoso is the most expressive, playable and lifelike English Horn (aka Cor Anglais) ever sampled.
我们的英国号角演奏家是最有表现力的,可玩的和栩栩如生的英国号角(又名Cor Anglais)采样。

The English Horn Virtuoso was recorded in a symphonic hall and contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide).
《The English Horn Virtuoso》是在交响乐大厅录制的,包含三个麦克风位置(Close, Decca, Wide)。

The core of the instrument is its highly advanced legato system, which contains both lyrical and strong legato.

The legato system allows you to play legato with passionate arcs and sustains.

We recorded arcs with both light, medium and strong vibrato, so you can freely sculpt your performance from the subtle to vibrant.

In addition we also added trills, runs, staccattissimo, marcato and even non-tonal effects like breaths, valve sounds and natural click noises etc.

Advanced Legato

Claire English Horn Virtuoso is based on a highly intuitive, playable and expressive legato system.

We sampled a variety of different types of expressive arcs that are all connected to the legato system, so you can go between sustain types that are gentle (p-mp) to strong (f-ff) or sustain types with less or more vibrato.

All these articulations can seamlessly be connected while you are playing using our highly advanced legato system.

High Definition

Claire English Horn Virtuoso contains three microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide) and everything was sampled at 96Khz, which provides an unprecedented detail in the sound and reveal details that would otherwise have been lost at lower resolutions.
Claire English Horn Virtuoso包含三个麦克风位置(Close, Decca, Wide),所有的声音都以96Khz采样,这提供了前所未有的声音细节,并揭示了在低分辨率下可能会丢失的细节。

The fidelity of the library is especially revealing once you start combining the microphones and hear the warmth of the instrument, reflections of the room, the air and all the tiny, little details so often missed.

► Specifications

(2 Different Types of Solo Legato – Lyrical & Strong )

* Legato Articulation Types:

– Legato Natural

– Legato Medium 1

– Legato Medium 2

– Legato Strong 1

– Legato Strong 2

– Legato Sustain X-Fade

– Legato Staccatissimo

– Legato Marcato Expressivo
——Legato Marcato Expressivo

– Sustains MW/Crossfade Controlled

– Staccatissimo

– Marcato Expressivo

– 2nd Minor Trill

– 2rd Major Trill

– 1 Octave Runs Up/Down
– 1个八度升/降

– 2 Octave Runs Up/Down
– 2个八度升/降


– P-MP-P



– MP-MF-MP 2
– MP-MF-MP 2


– MP-F



* Bonus: 2nd player option

* Bonus: Breath Samples

* Bonus: Valve/Click Samples

► More Specs

– Unique Programming for Kontakt 5 users
-独特的程序Kontakt 5用户

– Hall based release triggers

– Custom Kontakt Scripting

– 6 .NKI files (using internal browsing system)
– 6 .NKI文件(使用内部浏览系统)

– 3.613 wave files
– 3.613波文件

– 4.4GB installed (compressed down from 99GB+), 5GB .rar download
– 4.4GB安装(从99GB+压缩),5GB .rar下载

– Multiple download servers to ensure smooth download

– Sample resolution: 96Khz / 24Bit stereo .ncw (lossless compression)
-样本分辨率:96Khz / 24Bit立体声。ncw(无损压缩)

– Format(s): Kontakt and .ncw

– Kontakt 4.2 (Full Retail) is 32 and 64-bit compatible PC /MAC.
– Kontakt 4.2(完全零售)是32和64位PC /MAC兼容。

– Claire English Horn Virtuoso requires 5GB of hard drive space
– Claire English Horn Virtuoso需要5GB硬盘空间

