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Max Richter的宏伟乡村工作室Studio Richter Mahr中主直播间的核心,是备受推崇的Steinway Model D Spirio | r三角钢琴。Max用它创作、排练并演奏他最新的作品,这架特殊的乐器及其精细的音质完全支撑了他的声音和创作理念。



  • 总计2个乐器,约98GB
  • 每个乐器3个麦克风位置
  • 5个循环替代
  • 10个动态层级(ppp到mp)
  • 短长混响控制
  • 弦击、阻尼器和踏板音量控制
  • 力度敏感度控制
  • 支持NKS 需要Native Instruments Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v6.8.0及更高版本!

The centrepiece of the main live room at Max Richter’s spectacular countryside studio, Studio Richter Mahr, is the coveted Steinway Model D Spirio | r grand piano. Used by Max to compose, rehearse and perform his latest works, this special instrument and its delicate nature underpins his sound and ethos, completely.

Recorded in great detail with a range of modern and vintage mics, and focusing on the softer dynamics, this is an accurately sampled, precision virtual instrument, capable of performing the level of detail required to access the level of emotion and atmosphere typical in Max’s work.

Key Features– 2 instruments total ~98GB
– 3 microphone positions per instrument
– 5 Round Robins
– 10 dynamic layers (ppp to mp)
– Short and long reverb controls
– Action, dampers & pedal volume control
– Velocity sensitivity control
– NKS compatible

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.8.0 and higher!

