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Narcoz 专为现代音乐打造,提供超过 280 种声音,而不仅仅是随机的声音集合。这些声音经过精心挑选。

280+ 种声音 来自模拟合成器和手工制作的声音设计,包括铃声、铜管乐器、吉他、主旋律、合成垫和拨片声。

5 种创意效果 通过使用内置效果来进化你的声音,包括混响、延迟、合唱、声部、滑音/连音、加载自定义一击声、复古模拟扩展和琶音效果。

内置效果 通过使用内置效果来进化你的声音,包括混响、延迟、合唱、声部、滑音/连音、加载自定义一击声、复古模拟扩展和琶音效果。

声音分层 通过分层提升你的声音。叠加预设,创造你独特的声音质感。

加载一击声 在 Narcoz 预设上加载自定义一击声,打造真正独特的声音。

琶音 通过琶音效果为你的声音添加独特的弹跳感。

易于使用 我和你一样是制作人,我了解你的感受。我让这个插件易于使用。

兼容 NI Kontakt Player 或 NI Kontakt FULL v6.7 及更高版本!

Sounds smuggled from across the border

Narcoz was built to give you over 280+ sounds that will work for modern music, not just a bunch of random sounds to say we have lots of sounds. Heavily curated.

280+ Sounds

Bells, Brass, Guitar, Leads, Pads, and Plucks from Analog synths and handcrafted sound design.

5 Creative Effects

Evolve your sound by using the built in effects. Including Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Unison, Portamento/Legato, Load Custom One Shots, Retro Analog Spread, and Arpeggio.

Built in Effects

Evolve your sound by using the built in effects. Including Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Unison, Portamento/Legato, Load Custom One Shots, Retro Analog Spread, and Arpeggio.

Layer Your Sounds

Level up your sounds with layering. Stack presets and make your own sonic textures.

Load One Shots

Load custom one shots on-top of the Narcoz Presets for a truly unique sound.


Add a unique bounce to your sound with arpeggio.

Easy to Use

I am a producer just like you, I know how you feel. I made this plugin easy to use.

Works with NI Kontakt Player or NI Kontakt FULL v6.7 and higher!

