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这是一款深度且精美采样的现代木槌,集成了黄铜和镍铃铛,通过一对大振膜Neumann麦克风和Universal Audio前置放大器完美录制。


大量样本 单击音效、调制轮摇动、特殊音效和循环 3段均衡器 混响 最佳的两全其美! 需要Kontakt(完整版)5.6.2或更高版本 占用54.1 MB磁盘空间

The best of both worlds! Brass Jingle Tambourines have a dark and “sweet” tone that just “sits” right in the mix and Nickel Jingle Tambourines have a bright and “sharp” tone that cuts through the mix! Why choose when you can have both!

A deeply and exquisitely sampled Modern Tambourine with Brass AND Nickels Jingles, captured to perfection with a stereo-pair of large-diaphragm Neumann microphones through a Universal Audio pre-amp.

This simple virtual instrument locks perfectly to your songs tempo, adds the perfect sound of a Modern Tambourine with Brass AND Nickel Jingles and will set your compositions apart from the rest!

  • Tons of Samples
  • Single Hits, Mod-Wheel Shakes, Special Hits and Loops
  • 3-Band EQ
  • Reverb
  • The Best of Both Worlds!
  • Requires Kontakt (Full-Version) 5.6.2 or Higher
  • 54.1 MB of Disk Space

