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合奏、中提琴室内乐和独奏 中提琴是我们系列的第二卷,经过全面升级,将这些经典样本带入现代,新增了在我们Century和Anthology系列中所见的一系列功能。此次更新包括我们全新的直观用户界面、发音浏览器、集成混音功能,以及我们标志性的Chaos FX。




新的连奏 我们在Adagio更新中包含了两种独特的连奏类型,每种类型包含最多3个响应层和3种循环重复。连奏I来自我们的Agitato Strings,灵感来自Williams和Mancini的激动人心的旋律风格,设计用于编曲的前景。连奏II来自我们首次录制的Adagio,声音更加平滑,不那么突出,适合多用途的弦乐写作。

可适应、直观、简便 Adagio经过重新设计,使每个标志性和富有表现力的乐器都能开箱即用,立即产生专业的音效。完全可自定义的发音矩阵让您可以直接访问Adagio提供的任何发音。我们还提供了每种发音的独立音色,使您可以根据自己的工作流程定制乐器。

麦克风 我们使用大量精心布置的麦克风录制了Adagio Strings,以最佳方式捕捉每个合奏的声音。我们创建了3个独立的混音,为您的合奏音效提供终极灵活性(混合、近距离、远距离)。混合麦克风位置提供了近距离和远距离视角的美妙组合,呈现出完美平衡的声音。


  • 持续音
  • 带有表现层的连奏I
  • 连奏II
  • Arc控制
  • Arc长音
  • 颤音
  • 小二度颤音(半音)
  • 大二度颤音(全音)
  • 羽毛颤音
  • 点拨颤音
  • 断奏
  • 重音
  • 拨奏
  • Bartok拨奏


  • 持续音弱音
  • 带有表现层的连奏弱音
  • Arc控制弱音
  • Arc长音弱音
  • 羽毛颤音弱音


  • 持续音
  • 带有表现层的连奏I
  • 带有表现层的连奏II
  • Arc控制
  • 羽毛颤音


  • 持续音
  • 连奏
  • 羽毛颤音
  • 重音
  • 拨奏


  • 环境音效1


The Violas are the second volume in our series to receive a complete overhaul, bringing these timeless samples up to date with a range of features found in our Century and Anthology series. This update includes our new intuitive user-interface, articulation browser, integrated mixing, and of course our signature Chaos FX.

The new Violas feature an advanced articulation browser that allows you to create your very own matrix of performance styles. You can now easily balance each articulation and assign each style its own control. The new features are all about improving your workflow, so whether you need a single articulation or a range of different playing styles, Adagio lets you load precisely what you need.

In this latest update, we have scrapped multis and reworked the original eight legatos into various refined, layered legato patches that fluidly adapt as you play them. Each intensity of legato style being triggered dependant on the velocity that you play.

The Adagio series was recorded in a lush church environment and contains three main groups of master Viola players; Full Ensemble (7 Players), Small Ensemble or Chamber (3 Players) and a Solo Virtuoso (1 Player). Each section was recorded in incredible detail; we sampled a huge range of articulations including eight unique legato types with up to three-way round-robin repetitions, extensive short notes, a range of sordino (muted) options, and two banks of custom designed ambiences.


We have included 2 distinct Legato types within the update to Adagio, each containing up to 3 responsive layers and 3 round robin repetitions. Legato I is made from our Agitato Strings, inspired by the soaring melodic styles of Williams and Mancini, designed to sit at the front of your orchestrations. Legato II is from our first recording sessions of Adagio and has a much smoother and less pronounced sound, ideal for multipurpose string writing.


Adagio has been redesigned so that each iconic and expressive instrument can be used out-of-the-box for instantly professional-sounding results. The fully customizable articulation matrix gives you direct access to any articulation Adagio has to offer. We also include independent patches for each articulation, so you can customize the instrument to best suit your workflow.


We recorded Adagio Strings with a vast array of expertly placed microphones allowing us to best capture each ensemble. We created 3 independent mixes, giving you ultimate flexibility over the sound of your ensemble (Mixed, Close, Far). The Mixed Microphone position offers a beautiful combination of both the Close and Far perspectives for a perfectly balanced sound.

Ensemble:– Sustains
– Legato I With Expressive Layering
– Legato II
– Arc Control
– Arc Long
– Tremolo
– Trills Minor 2nd (Half-Step)
– Trills Major 2nd (Whole-Step)
– Spiccato Feathered
– Spiccato Tapped
– Staccato
– Marcato
– Pizzicato
– Bartok Pizzicato
Ensemble Sordino (Muted):– Sustains Muted
– Legato Muted With Expressive Layering
– Arc Control Muted
– Arc Long Muted
– Spiccato Muted
Chamber:– Sustains
– Legato I With Expressive Layering
– Legato II With Expressive Layering
– Arc Control
– Spiccato Feathered
Solo:– Sustains
– Legato
– Spiccato Feathered
– Marcato
– Pizzicato
Ambiences:– Ambience 1

