一直想为三角钢琴采样,但这有什么意义呢?市场上的钢琴库已经过饱和了,除非你另辟蹊径,否则再做一个钢琴库毫无意义。我们使用低质量的录音机对三角钢琴进行了单声道采样。我说的 “低质量 “是指 “非常低的质量”。与其他可用的库不同,我们使用的钢琴是新的,而且经过调音,只是录音机是旧的。


你可以在试听中听到,它非常适合 40、50、60 年代的音乐……但它也让我想起了 60 和 80 年代明星的 “罕见试听”。

8 个速度层,所有音符都是采样的(没有变调)。背景噪音很烦人(而且非常多!),因此我们使用了降噪技术,但如果你想使用,我们还制作了一个带有噪音的循环文件。


适用于 Kontakt 和 EXS24。

Always wanted to sample a grand piano, but what’s the point? The market is oversaturated of piano libraries, and making another one is pointless unless you make it differently. We sampled a grand piano in mono using a low quality cassette recorder. When I say “low quality” I mean “very low quality”. Unlike other libraries availabe, the piano used was new and tuned, just the recorder was old.

It has a lofi vibe to it, but without sacrificing dynamics. Don’t expect a clean sound, it’s the opposite.

You can hear it on the demos, it’s perfect for music from the 40s, 50s, 60s… But it reminds me too that kind of “rare demos” from the stars of the 60s and 80s.

8 velocity layers, all notes sampled (no pitchshifting). The background noise was annoying (and there was a lot!) so we applied noise reduction but we made a loop file with the noise itself for if you want to use it.

We love this instrument, we could play with it all day long, it’s completely addictive! And we loved the making of it, so you can expect other instruments recorded with this method.

For Kontakt and EXS24.

